Today is Wednesday, the 17th of February.
Nelson Mandela said that it always seems impossible until it starts.
Pursuing a dream is hard work indeed.
But the right word was delivered at the right time by people who've been there and done can give us just the motivation we need.
You've got that ###ness.
A: 집안 일이 끝이 없어.
A woman’s work is never done.
A woman’s work is never done.
방금 아침 설거지를 했는데,
I’ve just done breakfast dishes
I’ve just washed breakfast dishes
점심 준비를 시작할 시간이야.
but it’s time to start lunch preparation.
but it’s time to start preparing lunch.
B: 푹 쉬세요. 이제 제가 할께요.
Put your feet up. I will take it now
Put your feet up. I will handle it now.
A: 내가 조끼도 만들어야 해?
Do I have to make a vest?
Do I have to also make a waist coat?
시간이 너무 오래 걸리잖아.
It takes too long.
It’s taking ages.
B: 푹 쉬어. 나 그거 입을 필요 없어.
Put your feet up. I don’t need to weat it.
Put your feet up. I don’t have to wear that.
** 조끼 waist coat(영), vest(미)
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
집에 가서 차 한잔 하며 푹~ 쉬어.
Go back home and put your feet up with a cuppa.
You go home and put your feet up with a cuppa.
넌 몇주 동안 쉴 필요가 있어.
You need to put your feet up for weeks.
You need to put your feet up for a few weeks..
좋아하는 와인을 따르며 푹 쉬세요.
Pour your favourite wine and put your feet up
Pour your favourite wine and put your feet up
설령 단 몇분일지라도,
even if it’s only for a few minutes.
even if it’s just for a few minutes.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 집안 일이 끝이 없어.
A woman’s work is never done.
방금 아침 설거지를 했는데, 아이들이 돌아왔어.
I’ve just washed breakfast dishes, and now kids are back home.
B: 푹 쉬면서 긴장 풀어요. 이젠 내가 할께요.
Put your feet up and relax. I’ll handle it now.
A: 내가 조끼도 만들어야 해?
Do I have to also make a waist coat?
시간이 많이 걸리잖아.
It’s time-consuming.
B: 푹 쉬어. 나 이제 그거 안 입어.
Put your feet up. I don’t have to wear that now.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Put your feet up. 푹 쉬어.
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