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[2021.01.29. Fri 귀트영] Saving the Elephants (3)

Namaskara 2021. 1. 29. 22:46


be hit(effect) the worst by something(in the field of economy, storm)

bio-monitoring: the measurment of the body's burden



Female forest elephants do not start breeding until they are more then 20 years old. Leading wildlife experts estimate that it takes more than 50 years for species to be doubled their population. According to the World wildlife funds poachers kill at least 20,000 African elephants each year for their tusk, despite of a ban on international ivory trade, forest elephants have been hit the worst. The world wildlife funds bio-monitoring report indicates that there are now less than 10,000 forest elephants in Central Africa. DIC, CAI, and Cameron have all lost more than 90% of their forest elephant populations since 2011. 


Empolyees don't stop complaining until they are really fed up.

Our economy has been hit the worst.
