[2021.03.05.Fri]입이 트이는 영어 the EBS Audio 어학당 Service/EBS 오디오 어학당
[Brainstorming] sign up, subscription, unlimited access,
[Speaking] Talk about the EBS Audio 어학당 Service
EBS Audio 어학당 is a platform service that provides unlimited access to EBS language study programs. It’s a one-stop service for all EBS radio language study programs that have aired so far. You can listen to your heart’s content. Right after the day’s show, the program is uploaded for AOD access. Users can access that day’s show or any previous shows whenever they want. It’s very convenient. You can also bookmark the shows you listen to most often.
In addition to earlier broadcast content, there is also original 어학당 content that is exclusive to the platform. Topic Top examples include *segments like 세상의 모든 영어, 바른 영어 표현. To use the EBS Audio 어학당 Service, you have to sign up for a monthly subscription. If you are subscribed, you can access all over of the content. You can use laptops, PCs, cellphones, or any mobile devices, and you can sync your account on multiple devices.
*to your heart’s content
*AOD: Audio On Demand (VOD: Video On Demand)
*segment: a part of something
It’s a one-stop service for all EBS radio language study programs.
I wish someone developed a one-stop service for an internet-banking
I wish someone would develope a one-stop app for online banking.
It’s a one-stop store where we can buy everything you need.
It’s a one-stop store for camping gear.
You can listen to your heart’s content.
I eat to my heart’s content once a week.
To use the EBS audio 어학당 service, you have to sign up for a monthly subscription.
I used that service quite often, so I signed up for a monthly subscription.
I used that service quite often, so I just purchased a monthly subscription.
I cancelled the my monthly subscription.
A: How do you tune into in to EBS radio shows?
B: I use the Audio 어학당 Service.
A: Oh. Really?
B: It’s great because I can listen to shows regardless of the air time.
A: I should give that a go, too.
B: Do that, if you sign up for a monthly subscription, you can listen to everything.
1. 나는 여행 정보가 모두 있는 웹사이트를 알고 있다.
I know a one-stop website for tour travel information
2. 아들은 공원에서 마음껏 뛰어다녔다.
My son ran away to his heart’s content in the park.
My son ran around at the park to his heart’s content.
3. 내 마음에 쏙 들어서 월정액 상품을 구입했다.
It was perfectly my type, so I purchased a monthly subscription.
I liked it so much that I purchased a monthly subscription.
4. 나이와 상관없이 누구든 가입할 수 있다.Anybody Anyone can join regardless of the his or her age.
5. 인터넷으로 멤버십 가입을 할 수 있다.
You can sign up for the a membership through online.
EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr
입이 트이는 영어 2021년 3월 5일(금)
the EBS Audio 어학당 Service
EBS 오디오 어학당