2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

[2021.04.26.Mon][Easy Writing] Here is what you need to know

Namaskara 2022. 4. 26. 09:15

That's because [평서문] 그것은 [평서문]이기 때문입니다.
That's because you have bad attitudes.
That's because you have a bad attitude.
That's because you ate it without me
That's because you are learning from the best.
dose 복용;투여 effective, doctor's office병원
vaccinate 백신주사를 놓다
면역체계 immune system, antibody 항체
inject 주입하다, muscle
Here is [명사]: 여기 [명사]가 있습니다.
Here is my driver's license.
Here is what you asked for.

make sure to [동사원형] 꼭 [동사원형] 하세요
Make sure to exercise regularly.
Make sure to exercise on a regular basis.
Make sure to breath through your mouth.
Make sure to breath through the mouth.

keep [동사 ing] 계속 [동사]하다
My son keeps crying.
My boy keeps whining. *징징거리다
Serina kept pinching Mayu.

다음은 귀하가 COVID 19 백신을 맞게 되면 알아야 할 상황입니다.
Here is what you need to know, once COVID-19 Vaccine gets available to you.
Here is what you need to know, once the COVID-19 Vaccine becomes available to you.

백신이 효과적이려면 두번의 투여가 필요할 것입니다.
You will need twice of dose of the vaccine to have it effective.
You will need two doses of the vaccine for it to be effective.

첫번째 투여를 위해 병원을 방문할 때, 꼭 두번째 투여일정을 잡으세요.
Make sure to schedule your second dose when you visit a doctor's office for your first dose.

백신 주사를 맞은 후에도 반드시 계속 마스크를 써야만 합니다.
You have to keep wearing a mask even after you're vaccinated.
You must keep wearing a mask even after you're vaccinated.

근육에 백신이 주입되면 면역체계가 항체를 생산할 시간이 필요하기 때문입니다.
That's because your immune system needs time to produce antibodies, once the vaccine is injected into the muscles.
That's because your immune system needs time to produce antibodies, once the vaccines are injected into the muscles.

손님이 주문한 것이 여기 있습니다.
Here is what you ordered.
