21.09.17.금 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 Master Eugene’s very first Clubhome experience
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Easy Writing 이지 라이팅
Master Eugene’s very first Clubhome Experience.
It’s [형용사] to [동사원형]=[동사원형]하는 것은 [형용사]하다
마유와 영어공부를 하는 건 항상 재밌어
It’s always fun to learn English with 마유.
It’s always fun to study English with 마유
세리나를 바로 가까이에서 up-close 보는 건 비현실적이었어
It was surreal to see Serina in the very close distance.
It was surreal to see Serian up-close.
*up-close; at very close range.
당신을 마침내 만나는 건 참 좋네요
It’s so nice to meet you finally.
It’s nice to finally meet you.
host 진행자 invitation only 초대 전용 방식
fascinating (신기한데) 흥미롭고 매력적인
chat room 채팅방. actively 활발하게
purpose 목적,
close to ~에 가까운; 친한
I’m close to 마유 (나는 마유랑 친하다/가깝다)
concurrent 동시에 발생하는
invite [목적어] to [동사원형] = [목적어]에게 [동사]해달라고 요청하다
** request보다 invite가 정중한 느낌
마마존은 그들의 직원들에게 조언을 해달라고 세리나를 초대했어
Mamazon invited Serina to advice their staff.
Mamazon invited Serina to give thier employees some advice.
저는 졸업들을 위해서 연설을 해달라고 당신에게 요청하고 싶어요
I would like to invite you to give us speech to graduates.
I would like to invite you to give us speech for the graduates.
see [목적어] in a new light [목적어]를 새로운 견해로 보다
난 교육이라고 하는 것을 새로운 견해로 보기 시작했어
I’ve started to see education in a new light.
I started to see education in a new light.
그의 연설 후에 그들은 그를 새로운 견해로 보기 시작했다.
After his speech, they started to see him in a new light.
After his speech, they started to see him in a new light.
set a record(레코드) 기록을 세우다
**record (리코~드) 녹음하다;녹화하다
마유는 단 한달 만에 50kg을 뺌으로서 기록을 세웠어
Mayu set a record by losing 50kgs within just a month.
Mayu set a record by losing 50kgs in just a month.
세리나는 마유가 작년에 세웠던 그 기록을 깼어
Serina broke the record that Mayu set last year
Serina broke the record that Mayu had set last year.
[Five Golden Sentences]
최근에 EBS 라디오 진행자 이현석선생님이 나에게 클럽홈에서 공동진행자가 되어달라고 요청했다.
EBS radio host 이현석 recently invited me to be a co-host of a show on clubhome.
EBS radio host Mr. Hyunseok Lee recently invited me to be the co-host of a show on clubhome.
클럽 홈은 사용자들이 목소리로 소통하는 초대 전용 방식의 소셜 미디어 앱이다.
Clubhome is invitation only application of social media where users communicate through voice.
Clubhome is an invitation only social media app where users communicate through voice.
채팅방의 멤버들이 우리 토론에 활발하게 참여하는 걸 보는 것은 흥미로웠다.
It was fascinating to see the members in the chat room actively participating in our discussion.
It was fascinating to see the members of the chat room actively participating in our discussions.
Serina: That’s the beauty of, you know, having a platform that doesn’t show your face, right?
Mayu: 진짜, I think that’s one of the reasons why so many people wanted to speak up.
그건 나로 하여금 소셜미디어에 진정한 용도를 새로운 견해로 보게했다.
It helped me see the true usage of social media in a new light.
It helped me see the true purpose of social mdia in a new light.
함께하는 첫 방송에서 500명에 가까운 동시 접속자로 기록을 세웠다.
We set a record by having nearly 500 concurrent during our first how.
We set a record by having close to 500 concurrent connections during our first show together.
세리나쌤: I think one of the proses is also you don’t have to show your face.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 Master Eugene’s very first Clubhome experience