EBS Power English

22.07.02.토 Power English [영어회화 레벨 3] Want to Be taken Seriously at Work? Don’t Use Emojis. 직장에서 진지한 사람으로 보여지고 싶은가? 이모티콘을 사용하지 마라.

Namaskara 2022. 7. 2. 09:12

크리스틴쌤: Hello everyone! I’m Christine Cho.
카메론쌤 : I’m Cameron Word
크리스틴쌤: Thank you so much for joining us.
카메론쌤 : We are always glad to know that we have so many listeners and listen to it every day.
크리스틴쌤: And I want to tell you that we have a wide range of ages.
카메론쌤 : Do we?
크리스틴쌤: We do. We’ve got like elementary school kids listening with their parents. And I think wow their English must be really really good.
크리스틴쌤: That’s true.
카메론쌤 : I’d better be careful of what I say.
크리스틴쌤: That’s good news that young people are listening. Maybe we can start, you know how ### baby Mozart, baby Chopin, #### they are still in the ###. We can do that “Baby Power English.” You just listen to us
크리스틴쌤: And they’ll come out speaking English.
카메론쌤 : They’ll. It’ll make their baby smarter. I love it.
크리스틴쌤: And also thank you older listeners. It’s great. It’s nice to see so many people of all ages listening. We’ve got an article for you today. And we’re gonna talk about Emojis.
카메론쌤 : The sort of faces, symbols whenever you’re texting.
크리스틴쌤: Well, the title of today’s artcle is ‘Want to Be taken Seriously at Work? Don’t Use Emojis.
This sounds like an old person wrote this article.
크리스틴쌤: What do you mean, Cameron?
카메론쌤 : I think there is a generational divide.
크리스틴쌤: Do you think so?
카메론쌤 : With Emojis, yeah? But, to be honest, I think there’s also a cultural difference. I was surprised how many Koreans use it. Me as an American, I do not use Emojis but they use all the time.
크리스틴쌤: So, I think it’s important that we talk about some of these cultural differences because poeple who working Korea, maybe they feel like Emojis are a good thing to do.

[ARITICLE] Want to Be taken Seriously at Work? Don’t Use Emojis.
If you want to be seen as a serious person at work, you should rein your use of emojis in work emails or other office communications. For some bosses, when a person excessively uses smiling, winking, or frowning face emojis, it raises a red flag about their competence. Research believed that the use of words instead of pictures showed the sender had a better grasp of the language and was able to communicate more effectively. Another conclusion was that people who use Emojis crave social acceptance. This is a telltale sign of low self-confidence and power.
직장에서 진지한 사람으로 보여지고 싶다면, 업무 이메일이나 다른 의사소통수단에서 이모티콘 사용하는 것을 자제하는 것이 좋다. 몇몇 상사들에게는 어떤 사람이 웃거나 윙크하거나 찡그린 얼굴 표정의 이모티콘을 과도하게 과도하게 사용한다면, 이것은 그들의 역량에 대한 경고 신호를 울리는 것이다. 연구진들은 그림 대신 단어를 사용하는 것이 발신자가 언어를 더 잘 이해하고 있고 좀 더 효과적으로 의사소통을 할 수 있다는 것을 보여준다고 밝혀냈다. 또 다른 결론은 이모티콘을 사용하는 사람들은 사회적인 인정/수용을 갈망한다는 것이었다. 이것은 낮은 자신김과 힘을 보여주는 징후이다.

[Power Note]
(1) rein something in 억제하다; 통제하다 something is starting to go out of control. So you’re pulling it back and keep something under control
** rein (말의)고삐; 통제
A: Look at this electricity bill. It’s the highest it’s ever been.
A) 이 전기요금 청구서 좀 봐. 지금까지 중 최대 금액이야.
B: We need to rein in our use of the air-conditioner for a while.
B) 우리 당분간 에어컨 사용을 자제해야 해.

Please try to rein in your silly comments during the presentation.
(rein in = limit = not stop but keep it under control)
프리젠테이션하는 동안 너의 실없는 코멘트를 자제하려고 해봐.

(2) raise a red flag 경고 신호를 보내다 When there’s a sign of trouble or warning, there is an alarm. Something is trouble
A: Mike is late for work again. That’s three times this week.
A) 마이크 또 지각이네. 이번주에 세번이야.
B: That kind of behavior raises a red flag for me.
B) 이런 행동들이 나에게 경고를 보내네.

Tom’s anger over a small problem raised a red flag for his girl friend.
사소한 문제에 대한 톰의 분노는 그이 여친에게 경고를 보냈어.

(3) a telltale sign = 숨길 수 없는 징후/징조 Something like a clue that tells you what’s happening
(tale = story)
A: What does mean when the temperature rises and barometer falls?
A) 기온이 올라가고 기압이 떨어지게 무슨 의미야?
B: It’s a telltale sign that a bad storm is coming.
B) 심한 폭풍이 오고 있다/온다는 징후야.

Seeing blossoms on the cherry tree was a telltale sign that spring was coming early.
벚나무 위에 꽃이 핀 걸 보면 봄이 빨리 왔다는 징후였다

[Power Pattern]
For some people, two weeks a year is enough vacation time.
일부 사람들에게는 일년에 2주는 충분한 휴가 기간이다.

For some cats, living outside is preferred.
어떤 고양이들의 경우, 밖에서 사는 걸 선호한다.

[Power Vocabulary]
** competence 역량; 능력 a person’s ability to do something.
=> Someone is a competent person means they are able to do something quite well in what they are supposed to do.
=> It doesn’t mean that they are the best but they are able to do everything that is required of them.
=> She is an able person(X), She is a competent person(O)

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 영어 회화 레벨 3 파워 잉글리시 Want to Be taken Seriously at Work? Don’t Use Emojis. 직장에서 진지한 사람으로 보여지고 싶은가? 이모티콘 사용하지 마라.
