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EBS 귀가 트이는 영어

[2021.02.22.Mon]귀가 트이는 영어 Can you recommend a travel destination?

by Namaskara 2021. 2. 22.


marker: an object that indicates something kind of position or place

walk around: no particular goal or purpose, you are just having a stroll around the area




Q: Lastly, can you recommend a place you have in Europe to tour?

A: Well, I enjoy visiting Berlin. It was exciting to see where on the ground they had markers show in showing with bulline water bin where the Berlin Wall had been. And so as you're walking around you're seeing the history that you know I've learned about in high scop school. And you know, one moment I am in West Berlin and next moment I am walked and crossed walking across that line into what would have be in East Berlin. So, that was exciting.

Q: All right.Well, thank you so much for sharing.

A: Thank you.


As you're walking around, you're seeing the history that I've learned about in high school.

As you're walking around, you can go into all the shops here.


One moment I am in West Berline, and next moment I am walking across that line into what would have been East Berline.

One moment he is kind, and next monent he turns into  Hulk.


Just popping out : I'm just going out for a little while.

