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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.04.12.월 Easy Writing 카드: 결혼식 하객에게 감사 We promise to be there for you.

by Namaskara 2022. 4. 12.

promise to [동사원형] [동사원형] 할 것을 약속하다.
I promise to be here early.
I promise to love you every moment.
I promise to be there for you when you need me.
presence참석, words말, express,
gratitude(내가 감사함을 느낌)
blessing 축복 what a blessing!
blessed축복받은 I am so blessed.
family member 가족 구성원
congratulate (누군가)를 축하하다
grace [목적어] with one`s presence
참석하여 [목적어]를 위해서 자리를 빛내주다
Thank you for gracing us with your presence.
The retired soldier graced them with his presence.
The veteran참전용사 graced them with his presence.

As[평서문]이 듯이; 인대로
She helped me as I helped her.
Do as what I say.
*as: "마찬가지", as 앞뒤로 동급이라는 뉘앙스

think of [명사] [명사]를 생각하다.
I couldn`t think of anything.
Can you think of a wonderful name?
Can you think of a cool name?

[Five Golden Sentences]
저희 결혼식에 참석하여 저희를 위해서 자리를 빛내주셔서 감사드리고 싶습니다.
We would like to thank you for gracing us with your presence at our wedding.

당신의 축복에 대한 감사를 말만으로는 alone 표현할 수 없습니다.
Only words can't express our gratitude for your blessing.
Words alone can`t express our gratitude for your blessing.
[명사] alone: [명사]만으로는

저희를 축하해주기 위해서 와주신 많은 친구들과 가족들을 뵙게 되어 진정 축복받은 기분이었어요.
We felt truly blessed to see so many friends and family members to congratulate us there
We felt truly blessed to see so many friends and family members there to congratulate us.

저희 결혼식에 저희를 위해 와 주셨듯이, 저희도 당신을 위해서 함께 있을 것을 약속해요
We promise to be there for you as you did for us on our wedding day.
We promise to be there for you as you were for us on our wedding day

당신을 생각하며 로버트와 제가 이 쿠키들을 직접 만들었으니, 즐겨 주시면 감사드리겠습니다.
Robert and I cooked these cookies thinking of you. We hope you enjoy them
Robert and I made these cookies ourselves thinking of you. We hope you enjoy them.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 카드: 결혼식 하객에게 감사 We promise to be there for you.

