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EBS Easy English (이보영 & 주치)

24.11.22.금 Easy English (영어회화 레벨 2) I’ll make it up to you. 꼭 보상할게.

by Namaskara 2024. 11. 22.

no show 약속하고 나타나지 않은 사람
She was a no show. 그녀는 왔어야 했는데, 안 왔다.

아니, 어젯밤 내가 연 파티에 왜 안 왔니?
Why didn’t you come to the party I held last night?
Why didn’t you show up at my party last night?

막판에 일이 좀 생겼어,
I got something at the last minutes.
I have something come up at the last minute.
미안해. 너한테 말을 못했구나 내가.
I’m sorry  I didn’t tell you.

그래, 최소한 내가 너한테 연락이라도 받았으면 내가 좀 괜찮아질 것 같애
It would’ve been nice to at least get a message from you.

그러게. 나도 마음이 않 좋네.
I know. I feel really bad.
꼭 보상할게.
I’ll make it up to you.

난 사실 니가 거기에 꼭 와줬으면 하고, 정말 기대했었거든.
I wish you had been there. I really looked forward to it.
I was really looking forward to you being there.
내 마음에 솔직히 상처를 좀 입었어.
It hurt my feelings.

너에게 상처를 주려고 그런 건 절대 아니잖아.
I didn’t mean to hurt you.
조만간 만나서 밀린 이야기 좀 하자.
Let’s hang out soon and catch up.

어제 우리집 집들이에 왜 안 왔어?
Why didn’t you show up at my housewarming party yesterday?

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