2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.12.28.화 Just mind your own business. 너나 잘해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Namaskara 2022. 12. 28. 09:13

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Today is Tuesday the 28th of December.
Listeners! Better late than never.
It is better to do something late than not do it at all.
Do it right now, things that you’d like to achieve.

너의 일이나 신경 써!

** 직역: 그냥 너 자신의 업무에 신경써라
** 상황: 자기와 관련된 일도 아닌데, 참견하려는 사람에게
** Just mind your own business = None of your business

A: 우리는 그 문제를 다뤄야 해.
We should address the problem.
We’ve got to address the problem.
B: 너나 잘해.
Just mind your own business.
Just mind your own business.
너는 브레이크를 너무 세게 밟아.
You press the brake too strong.
You hit the brakes so hard.

** address 주소;연설하다;처리하다;다르다

21.01.05.화 We've got to address the problem. 우리는 그 문제를 다루어야 해. [권주현의 진짜 영국 영어]

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 5th of January. There are great ways to really enjoy this month. ##### ##### ##### In January days are short and night..


A: 차가 막혔다고 들었는데,
I heard you got stuck in traffic.
I heard you got stuck in traffic.
보고서를 제시간에 제출했어?
Did you submit your report on time?
Did you submit a paper on time?
B: 너나 잘해.
Just mind your own business.
Just mind your own business.
난 무책임하지 않아.
I’m not irresponsible.
I’m not irresponsible.

** on time 정각에;그 시간에; 어김없이
** in time 시간에 맞춰서;시간 안에

[Try it Now]
너나 잘해.
Just mind your own business.
Just mind your own business.
너는 브레이크를 너무 공격적으로 밟아.
You hit the brakes so aggressively.
You hit the brakes so aggressively.

너나 잘해.
Just mind your own business.
나 배려심 없지 않아.
I’m not out of consideration.
I’m not thoughtless.

[Step by Step]
미안한데, 너나 잘하고
Sorry, but just mind your own business
Sorry, but just mind your own business
여기서 빠져 줘
and be out of here.
and stay out of this.

오늘 너한테 말 좀 하려고 왔어.
Today I’m here to talk to you.
Today I’m here to tell you.
넌 너 일이나 신경 써야 해.
You’ve got to just mind your own business.
You need to mind your own business.

그녀는 나한테 내 일이나 신경쓰라고 했어.
She told me that just mind my own business.
She told me to mind my own business.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 우리는 그 사실을 다뤄야 해.
We’ve got to addrss the fact.
B: 너나 잘해.
Just mind your own business.
넌 브레이크를 너무 일찍 밟아.
You hit the brakes too soon.

A: 차가 막혔다고 들었는데,
I heard you got stuck in traffic.
서류들을 제 시간에 제출했어?
Did you submit documents on time?
B: 너나 잘해.
Just mind your own business.
난 부주의하지 않아.
I’m not careless.

20.09.30.수 I got stuck in traffic. 길이 막혀서 꼼짝도 못했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You’re listening to 권주현의 Today is There are things to do in the first 24 hours of your holiday. First of all, check in, well not to your hotel but rather with your family or friends. So, when y..


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Just mind your own business. 너나 잘해.
