You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Today is Wednesday the 30th of September
There are things to do in the first 24 hours of your holiday.
First of all, check in, well not to your hotel but rather with your family or friends.
So, when you arrive, it’s a good time to let people know that you’re safe and your holiday is off to a great start.
Second, recharge your gadgets. Plug in your phone, laptop, whatever you’ve brought with you will probably be dead by the time you arrive.
So, listeners! Did you check in? Tell me you’re listening and make sure your phone or radio is not ready.
Then you’re ready for your holiday. Off we go!

A: 길이 막혀서 5시간 동안 꼼짝도 못했어.
I got stuck in traffic for 5 hours.
I got stuck in traffic for 5 hours
B: 야! 솔직해지자.
Let’s be honest.
Let’s be honest.
바람 빠진 타이어 때문에 늦었잖아.
You are late because of your flat tire.
You are late because of the flat tyre.
A: 그는 진짜 극도로 화났었어.
He hit the ceiling.
He really blew his top.
왜 이렇게 늦은 거니?
What took you so long?
Why were you so late?
B: 오는 길에 길이 너무 막혀서 꼼짝도 못했어.
I got stuck in traffic on the way.
I got stuck in traffic on the way.
** blow one’s top 극도로 화나다;분통을 터뜨리다. ≈ hit the roof.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
우리는 고속도로에서 2시간 동안 길이 막혀 꼼짝도 못했습니다.
We got stuck in traffic on the highway for 2 hours
We got stuck in traffic on the motorway for 2 hours.
우리는 어제 사고 때문에 길이 막혀서 꼼짝도 못했고
We got stuck in traffic because of an accident yesterday
We got stuck in traffic due to an accident yesterday
비행기를 놓쳤어
and missed our plane.
and we missed our flight.
난 거기서 돌아오는 도중 바보같은 결정을 했고,
I made a foolish decision on the way back from there,
I made a fool decision on the way back from there,
우리는 교통체증에 갇혀서
and we got stuck in traffic,
and we got stuck in traffic,
난 오랫동안 땅만 봤어.
so I saw only the ground for a long time.
so I saw the ground for a long time.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 길이 막혀서 양화대교에서 5시간 동안 꼼짝도 못했어.
I got stuck in traffic for 5 hours on 양화대교 bridge.
B: 길이 막혀서 2시간 동안 꼼짝도 못했어.
I got stuck in traffic for 2 hours.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I got stuck in traffic. 길이 막혀서 꼼짝도 못했어.