Morning Special1 24.09.04.수 Morning Headlines: produce, absence, astronomy, trained as, buildup ** 5 key expresssion ** ▶produce : N) 생산물[품], (특히) 농작물[농산물] Have you noticed that produce prices have been on the rise lately? 요즘 농산물 가격이 오른 거 알고 있어? ▶absence : N) 결석, 결근; 부재 A substitute teacher will be handling my class during my absence. 내가 없는 동안에 대신해서 다른 선생님이 가르치실 거야. ▶astronomy : 천문학 Astronomy is s a scientific study of universe and of objects that exist naturally in space like the Moon, Su.. 2024. 9. 4. 이전 1 다음 반응형