passable 그런대로 괜찮은1 21.02.02.화 It's not as bad as it seems. 그건 보기만큼 그리 나쁘지 않아. 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 You’re listening to on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 2nd of February. Let’s stop waste our time since we just started February. Practice 4 core skills that are reading, writing, speaking, and listening. You can master these 4 skills with me in 10 minutes, in a blink of an eye I should say. Are you ready? ** as bad as it seems 그건 보이는 건 만큼 나쁜 ** as bad as it sounds 그건 들리는 건 만큼 나쁜 A: 몇달째 불황기라고 들었.. 2023. 2. 2. 이전 1 다음 반응형