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2020 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.02.12.금 [Easy Writing] I moved in to a new house.

by Namaskara 2023. 2. 12.

Introduction: Hello everyone and welcome back to the best Writing program on the planet.

Ending: Have an amazing day. We'll see you next time bye bye.

I wonder if [평서문]: [평서문]인지 궁금하다.

I wonder if she still has a think thing for me.

I wonder if that actually works.

I wodner if Serina can eat 닭발

house, original, day and night/night and day, haunted

take, nearly, in bed, yay.

every bit of [N]: [N]의 모든 면

I love every bit of my career.

That Serina made was so delicious that I ate every bit of it.

go as ( it was ) planned 계획된 대로 진행되다

Everything went as planned.

We hope the event goes as planned.

wind/end up in [N] 결국 [N]하게 되다.

We wound up in an awkward situation.

They both wound up in standing at a court.

몇일전 새집으로 이사갔고 그 집의 모든 게 매우 맘에 든다.

I moved in to a new house a couple days ago and I so love every bit of it.

서울로 다시 이사하겠다는 원래의 생각은 계획대로 진행되지 않았고,

My original thought idea that I would of moving in back to Seoul didn't go as planned,

결국 경기도에 있는 작고 조용한 동네에 살게 되었다.

and I wound up in living in a small and quiet village in 경기도.

밤낮으로 엄청 조용해서 가끔은 내가 귀신 나오는 곳에 살고 있나 싶기도 하다.

It is so quite day and ngith that I sometimes wonder if I am live living in a haunted house neighborhood

내가 살고 있는 곳에선 EBS 도착하는 데 거의 2시간이 걸리곤 했다.

It used to taking would take nearly 2 hours to get to EBS from where I used to living live.

하지만 이제 한시간도 안걸려서, 덕분에 잠자리에 더 오래 있을 수 있다.

But now it takes less than 1 an hour and that this gives me longer more time to stay in bed

앗싸! Yay


I love every bit of Easy Writing on EBS radio, arguably the best writing program in the universe.

출처 EBS 반디 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 I moved in to a new house.

