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2020 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.02.11.목 Easy Writing, Something just clicked

by Namaskara 2023. 2. 11.

would “V”
I knew that he would choose you over me.
I was not sure that if Serina would accept my suggestion offer.
I wanted to know whether if you would be able to do it.

Remember, pub, just(I just stayed home last night), click (We clicked)
Instantaneously, every day, the one, without

Think back to N
Thinking back, I don’t know how my mother did it.
I thought back to the day when I arrived at the JFK airport

the time when (S V)
Do you remember the time when we first met?
I still remember the time when you asked for me out on a date.

Outside N/of pronoun
The handsome guy was waiting for me outside the cafe.
We are outside the building

[Five Golden Sentences]
1. 당신을 만난 첫날 돌이켜 보니, 당신이 내 인생의 사랑이 될 거라는 걸 전혀 몰랐어
Thinking backing to the first day I met you, I didn’t know at all had no idea that you would be the love in of my life.

2. 저 작은 술집 밖에서 처음으로 키스했던 그 때를 기억해?
Do you remember the time when we first kissed outside that small pub?

3.뭔가 그냥 이해가 됐고, 당신이 내 아내가 될 거라는 걸 즉시 알았지.
Something just clicked, and I knew instantaneously that you would be my wife.

4. 항상 기억해. 당신이 내 주위에 있다면, 매일매일이 발렌타인데이라는 걸
Always remember, If you are next to me, everyday is Valentine’s day with you around me

5. 나에게 없어서는 안 될 사람 그게 바로 당신이야.
You are the one that I can’t survive live without.

Did you know that she would come back?

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Something just clicked

