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[2021.01.21 Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Housing Subscription System 주택 청약 제도

by Namaskara 2021. 1. 21.

[Brainstorming] housing subscription savings account(주택청약통장), become eligible(자격), draw(추첨)

Talk about Korea's Housing Subscription System.
한국의 주택 청약 제도에 대해서 이야기 해주세요

To be eligible for the distribution(분양) of new apartments in Korea, you need to have a housing subscription savings account. You can deposit money in the account every month, or all at once. You need to maintain the account for a certain period of time (일정기간동안) to apply for an apartment.

The size of the apartment you can apply for depends on your account balance(잔고). The standard amount is higher for larger apartments. The amount is different region by region. The longer you have had your account, the more additional points you can get during the apartment allocation draw.

You can earn a tiny tidy profit(제법 수익), if you are selected for a new apartment. Generally, the price of a new apartment you get through the draw is lower than the going rate시세 for the area. However, there are still resale restrictions on in some speculations frown-prone areas투기과열지구. In these regions, you can't turn over the rights to the a new apartment for a certain period of time.

To be eligible for a new apartment, you need to have a special bank account.
Everyone who lives there is eligible for the benefits.

You can earn a tidy profit, if you are selected for a new apartment.
Some people earn a tidy profit through their social media.

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A: Is the apartment you live in now in your name?
B: No. It's a lump-sum(덩어리) housing lease.
A: I see. Do you have a housing subscription savings account?
B: Sure, I signed up(가입하다) 10 years ago.
A: Are you applying for new apartments?
B: Yeah. I've tried a few times. But I missed the cut every time.


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입이 트이는 영어 Housing Subscription System 주택 청약 제도

