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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.01.28.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Social Worker

by Namaskara 2021. 1. 28.


local community center 주민센터, daycare services 돌봄서비스



Local children's centers are social welfare facilities. They provide comprehensive welfare services to the local community. For children who need to be looked after when they finish their classes at school, the centers provide protection, education, and wholesome fun. They can also provide lunch or dinner to the children.


Only people who have obtained certification as social welfcare workers can work at the children's centers. The number of workers and the size of government aid depend on the number of kids at the center.


The aid money can be used for maintenance costs or to operate programs. At least 10% of the aid must be allocated to operating programs. These programs include education, emotional support, and local projects.


wholesome: healthy

certification: 인증서/자격증 certified



They provide comprehensive welfare services to the local community.

I'd like to give back to my local community

My family does volunteer work in the local community.


Local children centers provide wholesome fun.

We played the board game and had some wholesome fun.

I think mobile games can be wholesome fun as well.


There are welfare programs to provide emotional support.

Poeple who live alone sometime have pets for emotional support.



A: Didn't you get certified as a social worker?

B: Yes. I got my certificate 3 years ago.

A: Do you need that to work at a local children center?

B: Yes. You need to have the paperwork ready.

A: I am thinking about preparing for the test myself.

B: I see I wish you the best of luck.

*paperwork 증빙서류



1. 나는 우리 지역 사회 사람들이 참 좋다

I really love people in my local community.


2. 그 영화는 온 가족이 건전하게 볼 수 있는 재미있는 작품이다.

The movie is wholesome fun so that the whole family members can enjoy.


3. 우리집 강아지는 내게 정서적 버팀목이 되어준다

My puppy gives me emotional support.


4. 남편이 한식 조리사 자격증을 취득했다.

My husband got the certificate as a Korean food chef.


5. 지원을 하려면 필요한 서류를 갖추어야 한다.

You need to have paperwork ready to apply for it.

