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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.02.18. Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Alkkagi 알까기

by Namaskara 2021. 2. 18.


board game, casual game, flick something, off the board, out of bounce


[Speaking] Talk about the board game 'Alkkagi'

Alkkagi is a game you can play with a the board and pieces of for 장기 or Korean Chess. You first position the pieces on the board and flick them with your finger. The main idea is to hit your opponent's pieces off the board. After placing the pieces on the board, you usually decide who goes first by playing rock, paper, sissors. You keep your opponent's piece if you hit it out of bounds, and vice versa.


While players can hit out their opponent's piece, they might also hit out their own pieces by mistake. Of course, the same can happen to you. There might be slight differences in the rules of the game, depending on where you play. You can also use go stones in place of 장기 pieces.

*Can you play go?



You usually decide who goes first by playing rock, paper, sissors.

How do we decide who goes first?

There is no need to decide who goes first because a lot of opportunities are available.

->There are plenty of opportunities so you don't need to decide who goes first.


There might be slight differences in the rules of the game.

Even though The prices are similliar, there are slight differences in the quality.

->The prices are similliar, but there are slight differences in the quality.

Plants could die, if there are slight differences in the temperature.

-> Even slight differences in temperature can kill a plant.


You can also use go stones in place of 장기 pieces.

I added soy source in place of salt.

-> I tried adding soy source in place of salt.

I attened the meeting in place of my colleague.

-> I went to the meeting in place of my co-worker.



A: Have you tried playing 알까기 with your kids?

B: No, not yet.

A: My kids really get into it. They even lose track of the time.

B: I see. Do I need to prep anything other than a 장기 board and the 장기 pieces?

A: That's it. You can also use go stones as an alternative.

B: Oh, I'll have to give it a try.


[Composition] 1/5

1. 내가 자원해서 우리는 누가 먼저 할지 정할 필요가 없었다.

   I volunteered, so we didn't need to decide who goes first.

   I volunteered, so we didn't have to decide who goes first


2. 색상이 조금씩 다르다. 

There are slight differences in the colors


3. 이 조리법에서 나는 설탕 대신에 꿀을 사용한다.

I use honey in this recipe in place of sugar.

For this recipe, I use honey in place of sugar.


4. 골프를 배워 보기는 했지만, 정말로 푹 빠지지는 않았다.

I have learned how to play a golf, but I haven't really got into it.

I tried learning golf, but I I never really got into it.


5. 창문이 없으면 시간 가는 것을 모르기 쉽다.

It tends to lose track of the time without windows.

It's easy to lose track of the time without any windows.


[An Extra Question]

Try talking about whether 알까기 requires any strategies if you play the game. And what does it take to win?

