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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.03.03.Wed] 입이 트이는 영어 Abandoned Dogs and Cats

by Namaskara 2021. 3. 3.

abondoned animals, they are left out on the street, thrown away, stray animals, rescue organizations, rescuing them
adopting animals

[Speaking] Talk about the issue of abondoned dogs and cats
Abandoned dogs and cats are adopted pets that are later cast aside. Sadly, the number of abodoned companion animals is arising every year. Some animals make their ways to animal shelters, but many are put to sleep as they wait for adoption. It really gets me down when I see these abandoned animals.
Some people are prejudists prejudiced, and think that these stray animals can do a lot of harm. But from the animals’ perspective, they’re just doing what they can do to survive. They remage rummage through trash to find food, and look for places to warm themselves in the cold winter. There are people who regularly feed these animals on the streets. In the winter, simply providing unfrozen water is could be enough to save their lives.

From their perspective, these animals are just trying to survive.
I understand that, from your perspective, this could be unreasonable.
-> I understand that it could seem unreasonable from your perspective.
Try to think of it from his perspective.
-> try to see it from his perspective.

These animals are just doing what they can to stay alive.
Even though time was not enough, I did what I could do.
->There wasn’t enough time, but I did what I could.

Abandoned animals rummage through trash to find food.
I rummaged through my bag to find a key my keys.
I rummaged through the closet, but I wasn’t able to find the shirt.
-> I rummaged through my closet, but I couldn’t find the shirt.

A: A few stray cats live in our apartment complex.
B: Do they?
A: Yeah. I have been providing them with food and water everyday,
B: I see. Good for you.
A:They are probably cats that once had owners.
B: That’s true. That’s why it breaks my heart every time I see these abandoned pets

1. 나는 부모로서 아들의 시각으로 바라보려고 노력한다.
As a parent, I try to see it from my son’s perspective.
As a parent, I try to see things from my son’s perspective.

2. 많은 돈은 아니지만, 이걸 가지고 with it 최선을 다해봐
It’s not a big money, but try to do what you can do
It’s not a lot of money but do what you can do with it.

3. 나는 깨끗한 양말을 찾으려고 빨래 바구니를 뒤졌다.
I rummaged through the laundry basket to find some clean socks.

4. 친구들이 이사를 도와줘서 내가 점심을 제공했다.
My friends helped me move in, so I provided them with lunch.

5. 그가 그런 말을 해서 나는 정말 속상했다.
He said those words, which broke my heart.
It broke my heart when he said that.

