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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.03.08.Mon] 입이 트이는 영어 Unfollowing or Unsubscribing

by Namaskara 2021. 3. 8.

[Speaking] Talk about unfollowing or unsubscribing from accounts online
Social media has become very common in our lives. We often follow or subscribe to the social media accounts of people we like. But on the flipside, sometimes we unfollow or unsubscribe from people who are out of line in society. There are times when politicians, celebrities, private companies, or public agencies behave immorally or commit crimes. When that happens, former supporters retract their support and boycott them.
Interestingly, such acts online can spread to form public opinion. This can have an effect on a our day-to-day lives. For example, a foreign clothing brand got some negative publicity stemming from a diplomatic issue. This led to a boycott by consumers, and several local branches had to shut down.

Sometime we unfollow or unsubscribe from people who are out of line in society.
If you are out of line, you should apologize first.

Fomer supporters sometimes retract their support.
I retract my support toward the candidate any longer.
I retract my support for that candidate.
Many consumers retracted their support after that.

A foreign clothing brand got some negative publicity.
They got a lot of negative publicity out of the product.
They got a lot of negative publicity because of that product.
Even negative publicity can sometimes be useful.

A: Didn’t that Youtuber start stir up trouble a while ago?
B: Yeah! It was a big public scandal. I am going to unsubscribe.
A: Me, too.
B: These days, unfollowing someone is a way to express yourself.
A: That person really has far fewer followers now.
B: That’ right. The numer is taking a nosedive.

1. 나는 네 친구지만, 이번에는 네가 선을 넘었다고 생각해
I am your friend, but I think you were out of line this time.
I am your friend but I think you are out of line this time.

2. 나는 지지를 철회하기 전에 더 알아보고 싶다.
I want to look to a bit more before retracting my support.
I want to learn more before I retract my support.

3. 그는 그 부정적인 여론으로부터 회복하지 못했다.
He hasn’t recovered from the negative publicity.
He never recovered from the negative publicity.

4. 그는 항상 문제를 일으켜서 아무도 같이 일하고 싶어 하지 않아.
He always stirs up trouble, so no one wants to work with him.
He always stirs up trouble, so nobody wants to work with him.

5. 나는 너무 쑥스러워서 의사표현을 명확하게 못 할 때가 많다.
I am so shy that I can’t often express myself clearly.
I am often too shy to express myself clearly.

