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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.03.10.Wed]입이 트이는 영어 Name 이름

by Namaskara 2021. 3. 10.

A: Does your name 'Jennifer' have a meaning?
B: Yes. All names have a meaning, origin. It means a whole bunch of things. But when you look it up, Jennifer is meant to white, fairness. Jennifers are known to be careless of what they do. But it doen's mean a lack of responsibility.

[Speaking] Talk about People's Names 사람들의 이름에 대해서 이야기해주세요
Every man, woman, and child has a name. And every name has its own precious story and meaning. In the past, a lot of people had a the same name. During my school days, there were sometimes kids with a the same name in a single class. But names have become diversified nowadays, and usually there is no overlap.
Some names are so pretty and or out of the ordinary that they get stuck in your memory. You have to tiptow tiptoe around some names because they can be mistaken for a different meaning. A man may have a feminine name, and vice versa. Different names are in fashioned for boys and girls depending on the generation. These days, a lot of names use pure Korean words or foreign words. Some names have more than 5 letters on in them.

Every man, woman, and child has a name.
Every man, woman, and child is eligible for being loved
Every man, woman, and child deserves to be loved.
A law should be applied to every man, woman, and child without exception.
The law should be equally applied to every man, woman, and child.

Some names are so pretty or unsually that they get stuck in your memory.
The song has got stuck in my memory since I heard it for the first time.
That song got stuck in my memory the first time I heard it
Her advice got deeply stuck in my memory.

Different names are in fashion for boys and girls depending on the generation.
She is usually in fashion for clothes
->She only wears whatever is in fashion.
(그녀는 유행하는 옷들을 주로 많이 입는다.)

A: My friend has got an name change.
B: Really? can he do that?
A: Sure. It's possible but you need to present a valid reason.
B: I see
A: My friend changed his name on paper but we keep calling him by his old name.
B: It sounds familiar. so I guess that`s to be expected.

1. 요즘 남녀노소 누구나 스마트폰이 있는 것 같다.
A man, woman, and child seems to have a smartphone nowadays.
It seems like every man, woman, and child has a smartphone these days.

2. 특히 그 장면이 내 기억에 남았다.
The scene got specifically stuck in my memory.
That particular scene got stuck in my memory.

3. 그 해에는 밝은 색상이 유행이었다.
Bright color was in fashion that year.
Bright colors were in fashion that year.

4. 서면상으로는 그 아이디어가 괜찮아 보였다.
The idea looked fine/good on paper.

5. 우리는 돈을 좀 잃었지만, 그것은 예상할 수 있는 일이었다.
We lost some money, but that was to be expected.

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입이 트이는 영어 Name 이름

