this many [복수명사] 이렇게 많은 [복수명들]
우린 이렇게 많은 사람들이 올거라고 기대를 못했어
We didn't expect this many people would come.
We didn't expect this many people would show up.
너는 이렇게 많은 신청자들에 대해서 어떻게 할거니?
What are you going to do for this many applicants?
What are you going to do with this many applicants?
*Serina: I'm just going to randomly pick one up with my eyes closed.
*Mayu : Very fair
우린 이렇게 많은 상자는 필요 없어
We don't need this many boxes.
We don't need this many boxes.
*Serina: I'm kind of I'm not a complete minimalist
but I am close to a minimalist.
My huband is like a maximalist.
Wedding venue 결혼식장,
Pandemic 세계적 유행병
over 끝난 (완전히 끝났음을)
go away 사라지다
anticipate 예상하다
concern 염려
accommodate 수용하다
alternative plan 대안
search for [명사] 를 찾다
(look for 보다 포멀/진지하게 찾는다는 느낌)
The police are searching for this criminal
I'm looking for my glasses.
난 진정한 사랑을 찾아오고 있어요
I've been searching for a true love.
I've been searching for a true love.
그 커플은 그들의 신혼여행을 위한 완벽한 장소를 찾고 있다
The couple are searching for a perfect place for their honeymoon.
The couple is searching for the pfect place for their honeymoon.
anytime soon 조만간 (주로 부정문/의문문)
* It won't happen anytime soon.
* I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon
그 어떤 공식 모임도 조만간에는 없을 겁니다.
There won't be any kind of official gatherings any time soon.
There won't be any official meetings anytime soon.
너 조만간에 미국 방문할 거니?
Are you going to visit the USA anytime soon?
Are you going to visit the State anytime soon?
more or less 대략;대충 about
너 다 마쳤어? Are you done?
뭐 대충~ Well, more or less.
너 하루에 대략 200 달러 벌 수 있어
You can earn $200 a day, more or less
[Five Golden Sentences]
제 남자친구와 저는 로맨틱한 결혼식장을 찾아오고 있는데,
My boyfriend and I have been searching for a romantic wedding venue
My boyfriend and I have been searching for a romantic wedding vernue.
여기가 바로 그런 곳인 것 같습니다.
and I think yours is the right place.
and I think yours is the one.
저희는 이 세계적 유행병 상황이 끝날 때까지 기다리려고 했지만,
We were going to wait until this pandemic is over
We were going to wait until this pandemic situation is over
조만간에는 사라지지 않을 거라고 판단했어요
but we determined that it would not go away anytime soon.
but we figured that it wouldn't go away anytime soon.
대략 총 a total of 200명의 하객이 올거라고 예상합니다.
We anticipate we will have about 200 wedding guests, more or less.
We anticipate we will have a total of 200 wedding guests, more or less.
저희가 염려하는 것은 사회적 거리두기 단계가 격상되면, 귀 식장에서 하객을 얼마나 수용할 수 있는가 입니다.
Our concern is the number of guests that you can accommodate if the social distancing level goes higher.
Our concern is the number of guests that you can accommodate if the social distancing level goes up.
실제로 그 일이 일어난다면, 이렇게 많은 사람을 받을 수 있는 대안이 있으신가요?
Do you have an alternative plan to accommodate this many people, if this happens?
Do you have an alternative plan to hold this many people, if it were to happen?
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 특수 상황에서의 결혼식 문의 We will have about 200 wedding guests.