[Serina's impression of the notice in Korean]
This is a good notice. I think it's very logical, very detailed, like all the details they need to know about.
It wraps up in a very kind of like team work, kind of, way.
be subject to [명사]의 대상이다.
가격은 변동 대상입니다.
Prices are subject to change.
Prices are subject to change.
모든 항공편은 지연대상입니다.
All airplanes are subject to delay.
All flights are subject to delay.
100달러가 넘는 구매품들은 세금의 대상입니다.
Purchases more than $100 worth are subject to taxation.
Purchases over $100 are subject to tax.
vacationer 피서객 beach 해변
litter 쓰레기를 버리다;어지럽히다
ocean 바다 fine 벌금
clean up after oneself
(누군가의) 뒷정리를 하다
environment 환경
pollution 오염
gather in crowds 무리지어 모이다
사람들이 항의하기 위해서 떼로 모였다
The people gathered in crowds to complain.
The people gathered in crowds to protest.
그의 추종자들이 그의 장례식을 위해서 무리지어 모였다
His followers gathered in crowds for his funeral.
His followers gatehred in crowds for his funeral.
ask [목적어] not to [동사]
[목적어]에게 [동사원형]하지 말라고 부탁하다
저희는 당신에게 주차장에 담배꽁초 cigarette butt를 버리지 말아달라고 부탁합니다.
We ask you not to throw away cigarettes in the parking lot.
We ask you not to throw away cigarette butts in the parking lot.
그 주인은 그들에게 너무 크게 얘기하지 말라고 부탁했다.
The owner asked them not to talk so loudly.
The owner asked them not to talk too loudly.
save [목적어] from [명사]
목적어를 명사에서 구하다
나는 당신을 폭풍으로부터 구할거에요
I'll save you from a storm.
I'll save you from the storm.
마유맨이 종말로부터 세상을 구할거라고
Mayu Man's going to save the world from the end.
Mayu Man'll save the world from the apocalypse.
[Five Golden Sentences]
피서객들이 여기저기서 무리지어 모여드는 이 시기에 우리 해변을 깨끗이 유지하는 것을 도와주세요
As vacationers from everywhere gather in crowds, we need your help keep our beach clean.
As vacationers from everywhere gather in crowds, we need your help in keeping our beaches clean.
해변이나 바다에서 어지럽히지 말아주시길 부탁드립니다.
We ask you not to litter on the beaches or in the ocean.
We ask you not to litter on the beaches or in the ocean.
해변에서 어지럽히는 행위는 최대 300달러까지의 벌금을 부과받을 수 있습니다.
Littering on the beaches is subject to fine up to $300 .
Littering at the beach is subject to a fine of up to $300.
* on the beach "on" 모래사장 위에 서 있는 느낌
* at the beach "at" 해변이라는 위치나 공간
해변에서 음식물을 섭취하는 건 괜찮지만,
You can eat and drink at the beach,
You may eat and drink at the beach
떠나기 전에 꼭 뒷정리를 해주세요
but be sure to clean up after yourselves before leaving
but please be sure to clean up after yourselves before leaving
오염으로부터 환경을 보호하는 일에 동참해 join 주세요
Please be with us to save environment from pollution
Please join us in saving the environment from pollution.
* protect & save = interchangeable
protect '미리'의 느낌이 있음.
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
[2021.07.05.Mon][Easy Writing] NOTICE; Please don't litter on the beach