Tens of millions of 명사
Tens of millions of people are suffering from it.
Tens of thausands of people are living in the city.
Millions of children are suffering from the disease.
term 용어, 기간
the world as we knew it 우리가 알던 세상
infect 감염시키다
pass away 세상을 떠나다.
certainly 확실히
horrifying 섬뜩한
threat 위협
humankind 인류
come as ~: ~로 다가오다
It came as surprise to everyone
It came as a shock to his fans who believed him
On a positive note 긍정적인 면을 보자면 on the bright side, on the positive side.
on a positive note, our sales still increase.
on a positive note, we still have many royal customers.
Take something(someone) for granted: something(someone)를 당연하게 받아들이다.
Don't take anything for granted.
He took her love for granted.
[Five Golden Sentences]
우리가 처음 코로나 바이러스란 용어를 들은지 거의 한 해가 지났다.
Almost a year has passed since we first heard the term Corona virus.
(It's been a year~~)
우리가 알던 세상은 절대 똑같지 않을 것이다.
The world as we knew it was never going to be the same.
수천만명의 사람들이 감염되었고, 백만명 이상이 세상을 떠났다.
Tens of millions of people have been infected by it and more than a million have passed away. 그건 확실히 인류에게 섬뜩한 위협으로 다가왔다.
It certainly came as a horrifying threat to humankind.
그래도 긍정적으로 보자면, 우리는 다시는 모든 걸 당연하게 받아들이지 않을 것이라는 것이다.
On a positive note though, we are never going to take things for granted.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터 유진의 다이어리 Almost a year has passed.