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2020 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.01.19.화 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 가벼운 부부 싸움 I am warning you.

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 19.

busy ~ing,

busy with [명사]
My husband is always busy working.
We were busy taking pictures for our instagram.
Serina and Mayu were busy answering their questions.

swear 맹세하다
agree 동의하다
share 나누다
household chores 집안일
lazy 게으른
from now on 이제부터 계속
conversation 대화
warn 경고하다

do(wash) the dishes 설거지하다
Make sure you do the dishes.
I will help you do the dishes.

What's up with (명사)? (명사)는 왜 그런거야?
What's up with your hair?
What's up with him?

was/were going to 동사원형: ~하려고 했다. (*실제로 못 했음)
I was going to save the file.
We were going to go to the zoo.


[Five Golden Sentences]

아내: 당신 어제 설거지 않했네. 왜 그런거야?
Wife: You didn't do the dishes yesterday. What's up with that?

남편: 하려고 했는데, 일하느라 바빴어. 맹세컨데..
Husband: I was going to do it. But I was too busy doing work. I swear......

아내: 집안일을 나누는데 우리 둘 다 동의했잖아, 아니야?
Wife: We both agreed that we would share household chores, didn't we?

남편: 내가 게을러졌나봐, 이제부터는 다 먹자마자 설거지할게
Husband: I guess I become lazy. From now on, I wash the dishes as soon as we finish eating.

아내: 이런 대화 다시 하게 만들지마. 경고하는 거야.
Wife: Don't make me have this conversation again. I am warning you.

[Quiz] 내 여동생은 셀카찍느라 항상 바빠.
My youger sister is always busy taking selfies.


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 3dang.ebs.co.or 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 가벼운 부부 싸움 I am warning you.

