In reality, 실제로는 (사실과는 반대로의 의미)
In reality, it will rarely happen.
He seems like a nice guy, but in reality, he is evil.
In reality, he was going through financial problems.
habit, shoke, every day(ad.), lives, control, govern, childhood, maneuver
thinking [평서문]이라 생각하며
I smiled thinking I made the right decision.
We entered the room thinking no one was there.
be in control of [명사]를 통제하고 있다.
I am in control of my life.
He is in control of his own destiny.
by [명사]에 의해
This book was written by MAYU.
The ship was built by our company.
[Five Golden Sentences]
습관에 관한 책을 읽었는데, 그게 내 인생을 뒤흔들었다.
I read a book on habits and it shoke my life world.
우린 자신의 인생을 통제하고 있다고 생각하면 매일 산다.
We live every day, thinking we are in control of our lives.
실제로는 우리 인생은 습관에 의해 통제된다.
In reality, our lives are controlled by our habits.
우리의 행동은 최근에 기른 습관에서부터 어린 시절부터 기른 습관까지 습관에 의해 지배된다.
Our behavior actions is are governed by the habits that we've built from recently to those we've built since childhood.
좋은 소식은 단순히 일상적인 습관을 조절해도 우리가 원하는 인생을 살 수 있다는 거다.
Good news is that you can live the life as you want simply by maneuvering simply daily your everyday habits.
출처 EBS 반디 이지 라이팅 Serina's Diary: I read a book on habits.
2020 EBS 이지 라이팅
21.02.05금 Easy Writing 세리나의 다이어리 Serina's Diary: I read a book on habits.