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2020 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.02.23.화 Easy Writing Today’s phone call: There’s someone lying on the street.

by Namaskara 2023. 2. 23.

seem to[V/have pp]해 보인다.
They seem to know each other.
She seems to be depressedwithaboutsomething.
They seem tohavedecidedmade uptheir mind.

lie, bleed, breathe, exact, tourist,
ambulance, calm down, pulse

I am not sure if/whether [S V]
I am not sure if we havea vacant roomany rooms left.
I am not sure if she is going to join us.

track down [N]
We successfully tracked down yourparcelpackage.
They tracked us down to destory us.

on one’s way to
The firecarstrucksare on their way.
I am already on my way to work.

[Five Golden Sentences]
마 유:
길거리에 쓰러져 잇는 사람이 있는데, 의식이 없어 보여요.
There is someone lying on the stree, and he seems to lose his consciousness be unconscious.
피를 흘리거나 그렇지는 않는데, 숨을 쉬고 있는지는 잘 모르겠어요.
He is not bleeding like that or anything, I am not sure if he is breathing.
제가 여행객이라서 정확한 위치를 전혀 모르겠어요
I don’t know the exact location at all because I am a tourist.
I have no idea what my exact locaton is because I am a tourist.
(I have no idea=I have no clue)

이미 귀하의 위치를 찾아냈고, 구급차가 가는 중입니다.
We already tracked down your location, and an the ambulance is on its way.
침착하시고 그 분의 맥박을 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
I need you to calm down, and check his the person’s pulse.

He seems to understand the procedure.

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