without exception 예외없이
All the students have to take the exam without exception.
All students must take the exam without exception.
All visitors are expected to wear a mask without exception.
All guests are expected to wear a mask without exception.
All of them are obliged to attend the meeting without exception.
Everyone of them is obligated to attend the meeting without exception.
cancel, trip, Canada, go through 겪다/거치다
quarantine, figure 판단하다, decision,
worth: it's worth it 그거 할만해
because of [명사] 때문에
Roy was fired because of you.
Roy got canned because of you.
I have been crying night and day because of him.
can't afford to [동사]할 여유가 안된다.
I can't afford to miss this opportunity.
We can't afford to run 2 cars.
We can't afford to maintain 2 cars.
be better off [~ing] ~ing 하는 게 차라리 더 낫다.
You are better off taking a taxi if you have bags.
They are better off postponing the game.
[Five Golden Sentences]
캐나다 여행 취소했다고 들었는데
I heard that you cancelled your trip to Canada.
코로나바이러스 때문이야?
Is it because of the coronavirus?
Serina 세리나
맞아. 여행자는 예외없이 14간의 격리를 거쳐야 돼.
Right. Travellers must go through 14 days of quarantine without exception.
Right. Travellers must go through the 14-day quarantine without exception.
Serina 세리나
난 그렇게 오래 캐나다에 머물 여유는 안돼
I can't afford to stay in Canada so that long.
I can't afford to stay in Canada that long.
Serina 세리나
그래서 차라리 여행을 취소하는 게 더 나을 거라고 판단했지.
So I figure that I am better off cancelling the trip.
So I figured that I would be better off cancelling the trip.
뭐 옳은 결정 내린 것 같애.
I think that's a right decision.
I think you made the right decision.
그 정도의 가치는 없어
It's not worth it.
It's not worth it.
모든 선생님은 예외없이 마스크를 써야합니다.
All teachers must wear a mask without exception.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 여행을 취소한 친구 Is it because of the coronavirus?