[Introduction by Serina] A pinch and a punch for the last of the month.

listen to [목적어] [동사원형]: [목적어]가 [동사원형]하는 걸 듣다.
Listen to Serina sing a song.
Listen to rain drops hit the roof.
Listen to the birds chat.
drop in 잠깐 들르다. fireplace, roar, pour,
drink 음료/술, spell 마법, resist, charm
really not 정말 아닌 (*not really 별로 아닌)
I am really not interested.
I really don't care whatever we eat.
hold one's hands 누군가의 손을 잡다.
Hold my hands.
A gentleman is singing, holding Jennifer's hand.
Some gentleman is singing a song, holding Jennifer's hand.
put [명사/노래] on: [명사/노래]를 틀다
He put some music on to make better atmostphere
He put some music on to lighten up the mood.
Could you put happy birthday song on?
[Five Golden Sentences]
정말 머물 순 없지만, 자기야 밖이 추워요.
I really can't stay, but Baby, It's cold outside.
당신이 잠깐 들릴거라고 바라고 있어요.
I have been wishing you dropped in.
I have been hoping that you would drop in.
당신의 손이 얼음 같으니깐 잡아줄 거예요.
I will hold your hands because they are just like ice.
벽난로가 으르렁거리는 소리를 들어봐요.
Listen to the fireplace roar.
내가 술을 따르는 동안 음악을 좀 틀어줘요
Put some music on while I pour some drink.
Put some music on while I pour a drink.
마법을 깨는 법을 알면 좋을텐데wishIt would be good for me to know how to break the spell
I wish I knew how to break the spelll
싫다고 말해야겠지만, 당신의 매력을 거부하는 게 힘들어요
I have to say I don't like, but it's diffcult to resist your charm.
I ought to say no but it's hard to resist your charm.
빗방울이 창문에 부딪히는 소리를 들어봐.
Listen to raindrops hit the windows. 출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 노래: Baby, It’s Cold Outside. I will hold your hands.