Speaking of which, 말이 나온 김에/말이 나왔으니깐.
Speaking of which, I might have to go on a diet.
Speaking of which, maybe I should go on a diet.
Speaking of which, what do you think about Easy Writing?
Speaking of which, don’t forget paying me off the debt.
Speaking of which, don’t forget to pay me back.
recently, by oneself, completely, cook, chef,
rustle up 급히 준비하다. joy, fried egg,
*make: salad, sandwich 등 열을 가하지 않은 음식을 요리할 경우
Swap 명사1 for 명사 2: 명사1을 명사2로 바꾸다.
He swapped the battery for a new one.
They swapped the outdated server for an upgraded one.
There wasn’t a single day that [평서문 과거]: [평서문 과거]인 적이 단 하루도 없었다.
There wasn’t a single day that I didn’t think about you.
There wasn’t a single day that he didn’t call me.
By any stretch of the imagination 아무리 상상해봐도 (~이건 아니다.)
My family is not rich by any stretch of the imagination.
My Korean isn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination.
[Five Golden Sentences]
나는 최근에 나쁜 습관 하나를 좋은 습관으로 바꿨다.
I recently swapped a bad habit for a good one.
혼자 살기 시작하고 나서
Since I started to live alone,
After I started living by myself,
음식을 배달시키지 않은 적이 단 하루도 없었다.
there wasn’t a single day that I didn’t have my food delivered
there wasn’t a single day that I didn’t have food delivered
그게 완전히 바뀌었다. 이제 난 집에서 요리한다.
That changed completely. Now I cook at home.
아무리 상상해봐도 내가 주방장은 아니지만,
I am not a chef by any stretch of the imagination,
I am no chef by any stretch of the imagination,
요리의 기쁨이 보이기 시작한다. but the joy of cooking appears.
but I am starting to see the joy of cooking.
말이 나온 김에 저녁 후라이를 준비해야 겠다.
Speaking of which, I should rustle up some fried eggs for dinner.
말이 나온 김에, 최근에 그를 본 적이 있니?
Speaking of which, have you seen him recently?
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 Now I cook at home. 이제 난 집에서 요리한다