세린쌤: What are we cooking up today?
[명사] or so [명사] 정도
or so(about) 정확한 수치 보다는 대략Please add 3 spoons or so.
It will take 2 weeks or so.
Please wait for 30 minutes or so.
frying pan, black pepper,
egg white 계란 흰자
sunny side up egg 한쪽만 익은 계란
over easy egg 한쪽은 살짝만 익은 거
gently 살살, spatula 뒤집개
key to [동사ing] [동사]하는데 핵심
What is the key to brewing the greatest coffee?
What is key to brewing great coffee?
Practice is key to becoming fluent in English.
Practice is key to speaking good English.
season [명사] with 양념
We season our meat with a special sauce.
I seasoned the veggie with black pepper
a dash of [명사] 소량의 명사
Add a dash of vineager
A dash of salt will make a big difference.
A dash of salt will make a huge difference.
[Five Golden Sentences]
프라이팬을 기름으로 코팅해주세요.
Coat a frying pan with oil.
이건 계란이 프라이팬에 들러붙지 않게 해주는데 핵심입니다.
This is key to making sure for the eggs not to stick to a pan
This is key to making sure the eggs don’t stick to the pan.
계란을 약간의 후추와 소금으로 가볍게 양념하세요
Lightly season the eggs with a dash of salt and pepper.
Season the eggs lightly with a few dashes of salt and pepper.
흰자가 자리 잡을 be set 때까지 2분 정도 요리되게 두세요Leave the eggs cooked for 2 minutes or so until the egg white becomes solid.
Let the eggs cook for 2 minutes or so the whites are set.
한쪽만 익는 계란이 좋으시면,
If you like a sunny side up,
If you like sunny side up eggs,
그냥 접시 위로 계란을 미끄러뜨리세요
simply slide the eggs on to a plate
simply slide the eggs on to a plate.
over easy 계란을 만드시려면,
For over easy eggs,
For over easy eggs,
계란을 얇은 뒤집개로 살짝 뒤집으시고
flip them gently by a thin spatula
flip them gently using a thin spatula
1분간 더 요리되게 두세요
and let them cook for another 1 minute.
and let them cook for another minute.
소량의 올리브 오일을 추가하세요
Add a dash of olive oil.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 접시 위로 계란을 미끄러뜨리세요. Slide the eggs on to a plate