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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.04.30.금 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 We're so connected yet incredibly disconnected

by Namaskara 2022. 4. 30.

be addicted to [명사]: [명사]에 중독되다

All of us have been addicted to Serina's storytellings.

We all are addicted to Serina's stories.

Mayu is addicted to its taste.

People these days are addicted to social media.


social media[UC], constantly, once 한때;언젠가

incredibly, disconnected 단절된 끊여진

aware인지하다 mobile휴대폰 habit습관


used to [동사원형] ~하곤 했어

I used to take vitamin every morning.

I used to take vitamins every morning.

She used to be addicted to something sweet.

She used to be addicted to sweets.


the type of person who [동사] ~하는 류의 사람

나는 새로운 걸 시도하는 걸 두려워하지 않은 스타일의 사람이야

I am the type of person who is not afraid of trying something new.

I am the type of person who is not afraid of trying new things.

그녀는 도전을 사랑하는 사람이다.

She is the type of person who loves challenges.


[명사] where [평서문] = [평서문]인 [명사]

나는 내 의견이 무시되지 않은 my voice is heard 곳에서 일하고 있어.

I am working in a place where my opinion is not ignored.

I am working in a place where my voice is heard.

나는 진실을 말 할수 없는 상황에 있었어

I was in a situation where I was not able to tell the truth..

I was in a situation where I couldn't tell the truth.


[Today's Five Golden Sentences]

우리 중 아주 많은 이들이 전화기와 소셜미디어에 중독되어 있다.

A huge group of us are addicted to our mobile phones and social medias[UC]

So many of us are addicted to our phones and social media.


나도 내 전화기를 끊임없이 확인하는 유형의 사람이곤 했다.

I used to be the type of person who constantly checked my mobile phone

I used to be the type of person who checked my phone constantly.


스티브잡스는 자기 아이들이 집에서 테크놀로지를 사용하는 것을 제한했다고 한 때 들은 적이 있다

I once heard that Steve Jobs limited his kids from using technology at home.


우리는 엄청 연결되어 있지만, 동시에 놀라울 정도로 단절된 시대에 살고 있다는 느낌이다.

I feel we live in the era where we are so connected but simultaneously so incredibly disconnected.

I feel we live in a time where we are so connected but at the same time so incredibly disconnected.


더욱 더 많은 사람들이 자신의 휴대폰습관에 대해 훨씬 더 인지하게 되길 become 바란다.

I hope more and more people get far more aware of their mobile habits.

I hope more and more people become much more aware about their mobile habits.



난 비디오 게임에 중독되어 있곤 했어

I used to be addicted to video games.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 We're so connected yet incredibly disconnected.

