in a matter of [기간]: 불과 [기간]만에
In a matter of several days, the share price surged.
In a matter of days, the stock price skyrocketed.
In a matter of months, 마유 lost 30 kg.
In a matter of months, 마유 dropped 30 kg.
In a matter of weeks, their new album reached the top on billboard hot 100.
In a matter of weeks, their new ablum hit No. 1 on billboard hot 100.
pick 뽑다;고르다, so-call, A.I.
trustworthy 신뢰할 수 있는
give it a go 시도해보다 anyway 어차피 return수익
by 만큼 (by how much 얼마만큼)
out of debt 빚에서 벗어나
In a matter of months, he got out of debt.
In a matter of months, he was out of debt.
Bold-plan airlines has finally been out of debt.
Bold plain airlines is finally out of debt
a great deal of [명사]: 많은 [명사]
그 기획적인 아이디어는 그들에게 많은 돈을 벌어다 줬다
The innovative idea earned them a great deal of money.
우리는 많은 시간과 노력은 이 프로젝트에 투자했다
We invested a great deal of time and efforts in this project.
at first glance 처음 얼핏 봤을 때
At first glance, the two of them looked quite resembled.
At first glance, the two looked very much alike.
At first glance, she looked quite shy
At first glance, she seemed pretty shy.
[Five Golden Sentences]
주식추천 서비스 덕에, 저는 빚에서 벗어났을 뿐만 아니라 돈도 많이 벌고 있습니다.
Thanks to a stock picking service, I am not only out of debt but making a great deal of money.
Thanks to the stock picking service, I am not only out of debt but making a great deal of money.
처음 얼핏 봤을 때는 그들의 소위 ‘AI advisor’라고 하는게 그렇게 신뢰할 수 있어 보이진 않았어요
At first glance, their so-called ‘A.I. advisor’ didn’t seem that trustworthy.
At first glance, their so-called ‘A.I. advisor’ didn’t seem so trustworthy.
하지만 무조건 anyway시도해보기로 했고, 조언을 받은대로 500달러 어치의 worth of 주식을 샀어요
But I decided to give it a go and I bought a share of $500 as I was advised
But I decided to give it a go anyway, and bought 500 dollars worth of stocks as advised
불과 몇주만에 투자수익이 이제 255%올랐네요.
In a matter of weeks, return to my investment is now up to 255%
In a matter of weeks, the return on my investment is now up by 255%
서비스가 마음에 안들면 언제든 환불을 받을 수 있으니깐, 시도해보는 게 어때요?
You can always get a refund of your money, if you don’t like the service. So why not give it a go?
You can always get your money back, if you don’t like the service. So why not try it?
처음 얼핏 봤을때, 난 그녀가 한국인인줄 알았어
At first glance, I thought she was a Korean.