세린쌤: Hello everyone, welcome back to the show. Hello 선생님.
마유쌤: Hello
세린쌤: You look fantabulous today.
마유쌤: Thank you.
세린쌤: Did you do something to do your hair?
마유쌤: No. Why are you asking?
세린쌤: Your hair looks lighter. 염색하셨어요?

on the brink of ~ing ~하기 직전인(끝쪽에 몰려있음)
*brink: "edge"
그 배송회사는 도산하기 직전에 있다
The delivery company is on the brink of bankrupting.
The shipping company is on the brink of going under.
*go under: go bankrupt
많은 결혼식장들이 파산의 직전에 있다
Many wedding halls are on the brink of bankrupcy.
Many wedding venues are on the brink of bankrupcy.
그 공장들은 폐쇄되는 것 직전에 있다
The factories are on the brink of shutdown.
The factores are on the brink of shutting down.
나 폭발하기 직전이야
I am on the brink of exploding.

trash 쓰레기 trashy쓰레기같은
plunge 급락하다 suggest제안;추천하다
what's worse 설상가상
delisted 상장폐지가 된
trust 신뢰, robot, build 구축하다
at all costs 어떻게 해서든(얼마나 들어도 해야해)
전쟁은 어떻게 해서든 피해져야 합니다.
War have to be avoided at all costs.
War must be avoided at all costs
우린 어떻게 해서든 그 마사일을 격추시켜야 해
We have to shoot the missile at all costs.
We must take down the missile at all costs.
invest [목적어] in [명사] 목적어를 명사에 투자하다
Raymond invested 1,000 dollars in 50 different companies.
The director invested a lot of efforts in her new film.
The director invested a great deal of efforts in her new film.
blame [목적어] for [~ing ]하는 것에 [목적어]를 탓하다
그 무능한 상사는 그 부하직원들을 그 실패한 프로젝트에 대해서 탓했어
The inable boss blamed his employees for failing the project.
The incompetent boss blamed his subordinates for the failed project.
그들은 그 상황을 악화시킨 것에 대해서 애니를 탓했다
They blamed Annie for worsening the situation.
[Five Golden Sentences]
당신은 결국 비싸서 사서 싸게 팔게 될테니, 이 쓰레기 같은 서비스를 어떻게 해서든 피하세요
Avoid this trashy service at all costs because you'll end up buying high and selling low.
전 그들의 A.I.라는 게 thing 추천한대로 다섯군데의 다른 회사에 10,000달러를 투자했죠
I invested 10,000 dollars in 5 different companies as their so-called A.I. suggested
I invested 10,000 dollars in 5 different companies as their A.I. thing suggested
* thing: (대충 대충) A.I. advice vs A.I. thing
단 3일만에 제 포트폴리오 가치가 5천달러로 급락했어요
In just 3 days, the value of my Fortpolio has plunged to 5,000 dollars.
설사가상으로 투자한 회사 중 하나는 상장폐지 직전이에요
What is worse, one of the companies I invested in is on the brink of being delisted.
제 포트폴리오 구축에 로봇 따위를 신뢰한 제 자신을 탓할 수 밖에 없을 것 같네요.
I think I have no choice but to blame myself for trusting a robot to build my fortpolio
I guess I can only blame myself for trusting some robots to build my fortpoliol.
너의 실패에 대해 날 탓하지는 마
Don't blame me for your failure.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 리뷰: 자산 관리 서비스 후기 (2) Avoid this trashy service at all costs.