have an affair 외도를 하다
have an affair with [someone]와 외도를 하다.
** affair (중립적) 일
세린쌤: When you talk about relationships, it means that you cheat on your spouse or cheat on the person that you’re dating.
그는 그가 알던 누군가와 외도를 했어.
He had an affair with someone he has known.
He had an affair with someone he used to know.
모두가 그녀가 외도하고 있던 걸 알아냈어.
Everyone found out that she was having an affair.
어떻게 그가 그렇게 오랫동안 외도를 했지?
How did he have an affair so that long?
How did he have an affair for so long?
independence 독립
마유쌤: 미국에서는 Independence Day라는 게 있잖아요. 그러다보니, 이 단어를 모르는 사람은 없다고 봐야겠죠.
세린쌤: That’s when aliens come, right?
마유쌤: OMG, you watched the movie, didn’t you?
세린쌤: I’m just joking. You know I like poking fun at you.
secretary 비서; 장관
debate 논의하다; 논쟁하다
financial 재정적인
financial issues 재정적 문제
strategy 전략
polician 정치인
appointed 임명된
honor 명예
start/keep/stop [동사]ing 하기 시작하다
멤버모집하는 것을 시작해보다.
Let’s start recuiting members.
기도를 먼저하지 않고는 먹는 것을 시작하지 마세요.
Don’t start eating without praying first.
by the end 끝날 때 즈음
** by ~까지(시간), ~ 근처/즈음 (시기적으로)
오늘 끝날 때 즈음에 우리 아마 충분한 돈이 있을거야.
By the end of today, we’ll probably have enough money
By the end of today, we should have enough money.
그 쇼가 끝날 때 즈음에 뭐가 벌어질 지 넌 절대 몰라.
You never know what will happens by the end of the show.
repair one’s relationship with [목적어]와 관계를 회복하다.
(fix도 가능하지만 repair가 확실히 더 진지한 느낌)
어떻게 우리가 그 선생님과의 관계를 회복할 수 있을까?
How can do we repair our relationship with the teacher?
그 가수는 그의 팬들과의 관계를 회복하려고 노력했어.
The singer tried to repair his relationship with his fans.
[Five Golden Sentences]
미국이 독립을 쟁취한 후, 알렉산더 해밀턴은 재무장관이 된다.
After America won its Independence, Alexander Hamilton is made Secretary of Treasury.
** A is made [someone] 타인에 의해서 A becomes [someone]
세린쌤: Whether he was voted as a Secretary of Treasury, whether he was chosen by people.
다른 정치인들과 재정전략을 논의하는 와중에 해밀턴은 외도를 하기 시작한다.
While debating financial strategies with other politicians, Hamilton starts having an affair.
새 대통령이 임명된 후, 해밀턴은 해고되고, 그의 외도가 발각된다.
After a new president is appointed, Hamilton is fired and his affair is discovered.
그의 아들은 아버지의 명예를 방어하려는 결투 중에 세상을 떠난다.
HIs son then died in a duel after trying to defending his father’s honor.
뮤지컬이 끝날 때즘, 아내와의 관계를 회복하려고 노력하는 무너진 한 남자를 보게 된다.
By the end, we see a broken man trying to repair his relationship with his wife.
세린쌤: Sometimes, there are problems that just come into our lives. We can’t help having them come into our lives. But sometimes there are problems we cause ourselves.
돈을 모으기 시작합시다.
Let’s start saving money.
출처 EBS 반디 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 영화: 뮤지컬 Hamilton 2막 The life of Alexander Hamilton in Two Acts: Act 2