** lab-grown ; man-made or artificial
** opt; choose something over it
** tell the difference between; look at something and see how things are different.
** make the switch; to change and often it’s something you don’t want to change first and then final I’ll do it.
[Article] Lab-Grown Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend
As concern over conflict diamond and the environmental damage of mining grows, more people are opting for lab-grown diamonds. These gems are chemically and physically identical to natural dimands, but cost up to 85% less. Most people can’t tell the difference between lab-grown and mined gems. And with environmental, human rights, and cost considerations in favor of lab-grown diamonds, it’s much easier to make the switch. The demand for low-cost diamonds has increased by almost 3000% in the last 5 years, and retailers expect it to continue to grow.
다이아몬드와 광산업의 환경에 파괴에 대한 마찰의 우려가 커지면서 더 많은 사람들이 인공 다이몬드를 선택하고 있다. 이 보석들은 화학적으로 물리적으로 천연 다이아몬드와 동일하지만, 가격은 최대 85%까지 저렴하다. 대부분의 사람들이 인공 다이아몬드와 천연 다이아몬드를 구별하지 못한다. 환경과 인권 그리고 가격을 고려하여 인공 다이아몬드를 선호하면서, 그 결정을 바꾸기가 훨씬 쉬워진다. 저가 다이아몬드에 대한 수요가 지난 5년 동안 거의 30배 이상 증가했고 소매상들은 계속 증가할 것으로 전망한다.
[Power Note]
** opt for [something]을 선택하다 = choose one thing over another.
=> intentional about one’s choice
A: Did you rent a sports car for your Hawaiian vacation?
B: No, I opted for a convertible sedan instead. We wanted to open and feel the air but we have kids so we need a little bit of more room with sedan.
크리스틴 쌤: I’m going to opt for the chicken instead of the fish tonight.
캐머런 쌤: You know? I just want something different. I have the fish all the time. I’m feeling adventurous. I’m gonna opt for the chicken.
** tell the difference between [A] and [B]
A: Can you tell me the difference between Mindy and Mandy, the identical twins?
B: Yeah, Mindy parts her hair on the right and Mandy on the left.
** make the switch = changing preference or habits
A: I made the switched to decaffeind coffee.
B: Caffeine really doesn’t affect me that much.
I see you made the switch to a Sammy smart phone. Good movie!
[Power Pattern]
** cost up to ~ 비용이 ~까지 든다
A good guitar can cost up to 1,000 dollars. 좋은 기타 한 대는 1,000 달러까지 한다.
The newest laptops cost up to 80% less than computers 30 years ago. 최신 랩탑은 30년전 컴퓨터 보다 최대 80%까지 저렴하다.
출처 EBS 반디 오디오어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 영회회화 레벨 3 Power English 파워 잉글리시 Lab-Grown Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend 인공 다이아몬드, 여자들의 베프
EBS Power English
23..10.14.토 Power English 영어회화 Lab-Grown Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend 인공 다이아몬드, 여자들의 베프