Does Time Go By Faster as You Get Older? 나이가 들수록 시간은 더 빨리 가는가?

크리스틴쌤: 영어회화 Level 3 Power English
카메론쌤: Welcome to the Show!
크리스틴쌤: Thank you much for joining us on our last day, here of this month. And we’ve got an article for you today. And I wanted to just get right into it. It starts with the question “Does Time Go by Faster as You Get Older?” What’s your answer?
카메론쌤: I think yes.
크리스틴쌤: but why?
카메론쌤: I think because our memory goes away. If you think about it, when we were a kid. we remember everything.
크리스틴쌤: Well, we’ve got a lot of time.
카메론쌤: We’ve got a lot of time. And then as we get older, I feel like we just don’t remember anything.
크리스틴쌤: If you like, that’s why it goes faster?
카메론쌤: I don’t remember anything since 23. Like a just,
크리스틴쌤: OMG! What are you gonna be like when you are like 50, Cameron.
카메론쌤: I don’t know.
크리스틴쌤: You’re gonna be like an 80 years old
카메론쌤: I do think it’s why we always feel younger than we are. People who are 50 say that I feel like I’m 35. People are 35 say I feel like I’m 22.
크리스틴쌤: People who are 80s say, you know, I still feel like I’m 25. That’s kind of sad when I hear something like that.
[ARTICLE] Does Time Go By Faster as You Get Older? 나이가 들수록 시간은 더 빨리 가는가?
Do you remember how waiting for Christmas seemed like an eternity as a kid? Then, as you got older, time felt like was moving faster. At 40, you look back on your late 20s like it was yesterday. At 60, your whole life seems to have flown by. As you age, your perception of time shifts. At 8, a month is a large portion of your life. At 80, a month is blip. As a child, however, every day brings something new, which sets children apart from seniors who tend to get into a routine as they get older.
** blip = very short moment. 삑하는 소리
아이에게는 크리스마스를 기다리는 것이 영원처럼 보였다는 것을 기억하는가? 그러다 나이가 들수록 시간이 더 빨리 가는 것처럼 느껴진다. 마흔살에 20대 후반을 돌아보면 어제같다. 예순에는 삶 전체가 날아간 것처럼 보인다. 나이가 들수록 시간에 대한 인식이 바뀐다. 여덟살에는 한달이 인생에서 큰 부분을 차지한다. 여든살에는 한달이 한순간이다. 하지만 아이에게는 하루 하루가 새로운데, 이것이 아이들을 나이가 들수록 일상생활에 익숙해지려는 경향이 있는 노인들과 차별화하는 것이다.
[Power Note]
(1) seem like ~처럼 보이다 = looks like or feels like even if it’s not that.
A: He got cold again all of a sudden.
B: Yesterday, it seems like summer was coming early.
It seems like there was more money in my bank account yesterday. 어제 내 통장에 돈이 더 많이 있었던 것같은데
A: It seems like she was very upset.
B: Oh, why do you say that?
A: I mean her expression, she was talking on the phone, she was kind of raising her voice.
B: Oh, she has an angry voice.
it seems like I never have time to sit and relax any more.
크리스틴 쌤: Once you get married and you have children, it seems like you never get a break.
카메론 쌤: You gonna take care those kids.
크리스틴 쌤: Once you become a mom, that’s the end of you.
(2) look back on [something] 되돌아보다 think about something from the past
A: I’m surprised with you retiring. I expect you to work forever. 퇴직하셔서 놀랐어요. 평생 일하실 거라고 생각했거든요.
B: When I look back on my career, I can honestly say I’ve accomplished everything I wanted. 내 경력을 돌아보면 내가 원하는 모든 것을 이뤘다고 솔직하게 말할 수 있어요.
Looking back on my years of travel, eating local foods was my favorite part.
크리스틴 쌤: I have been this, looking back on my years of travel before I became a mom. Thank goodness I travelled.
카메론 쌤: I think you have to travel when you can.
크리스틴 쌤: When you can
카메론 쌤: When you get older, many times get harder.
크리스틴 쌤: It gets harder. I think that when you get older, you also have to think about your physical capabilities.
카메론 쌤: Oh my gosh! Yes.
크리스틴 쌤: I mean you can’t have a heavy backpack on your back.
카메론 쌤: Or, getting jetlag. Jetlag is so much worse now than it was when I was 20.
크리스틴 쌤: Totally! Totally! So, all those things you have to think about when you travel. People out there, if you’re able to travel as much as you can, when you’re young.
set [A] apart from [B] 구별하다; 차별화하다 to make different; to look different
A: What sets Tom apart from other athletes? 톰이 다른 선수들과 차별화되는 것이 뭐야?
B: He focuses on improving a little bit every day even if it means every day extra hour of practice. 톰은 매일마다 조금씩 개선되는것에 중점을 둬. 그것이 매일마다 조금 더 연습하는 것일지라도
What sets Suzanna apart from her sisters is how friendly and outgoing she is.
수잔나가 그녀의 언니들과 다른 점은 그녀가 얼마나 친근하고 외향적인가 이다.
크리스틴 쌤: What sets Power English apart from other English programs?
카메론 쌤: Well, here EBS, we’re then only full English show. We have two native speakers. So. there’s not a lot of Korean. I think we also bring a certain fun. We joke a lot. Some people may not enjoy humor but we have fun.
크리스틴 쌤: I think Power English is definitely kind of in a league of zone.
카메론 쌤: And this doesn’t mean better. It just means different.
출처 EBS 반디 영어회화 레벨 3 Power English 나이가 들수록 시간은 더 빨리 가는가? Does Time Go By Faster as You Get Older?