Over the past 70 years, number-one hit songs have gotten noticeably shorter. While there will always be longer songs that become popular, the trends for complex 5-minute long balance ballads at the top of the chart might be a thing in the past. The current average length of Number One song is 3 minutes. There was a period when average song length climbed to over 4 minutes, but that number has again dropped. Other musical tools such as key changes and fade outs are also less common with simpler arrangment preferred. Only time will tell if complex, longer songs are ever again in fashion.
지난 70년에 걸쳐 1위 히트 곡은 눈에 띄게 짧아졌다. 인기를 끄는 더 긴 노래가 항상 있기 마련이지만, 복잡한 5분 길이 발라드가 챠트 1위가 되는 것은 과거의 일이 될지도 모른다. 현재 히트 곡들의 평균 길이는 3분이다. 평균 4분 이상까지 올라간 때도 있었지만 그 숫자는 다시 떨어졌다. 좀 더 단순한 편곡이 선호되면서 키 바꿈이나 fade out같은 음악 기술도 덜 사용된다. 복잡하고 더 긴 노래가 다시 유행할지는 시간이 지나봐야만 알 수 있을 것이다.
a thing of the past = it’s no longer done. It’s all in the past
A: Do you still have a phone plugged into your wall at home?
B: No way. That kind of a phone is a thing of the past.
Face to face conversation seems to be a thing of the past.
CD is a thing of the past.
time will tell = if we wait, we’’ see what the final result is.
A: Will this skin supplement really remove my wrinkles?
B: Only time will tell how effective it is.
be in fashion = in style. It’s a fashionable thing to do.
[Power Pattern]
over the past [기간] = from the past time until now.
over the past few hours/minutes
=> if you’re looking at science experiments or medical emergency where time is very important. The patient has gotten bad over the past 5 hours where you need very exactly timing.
출처 EBS 반디 5dang.ebs.co.kr 영회화 레벨 3 Power English, Number-One Songs Are getting Shorter. 히트 곡의 길이가 짧아지고 있다.
EBS Power English
23.02.04.토 Power English 히트 곡의 길이가 점점 짧아지고 있다. Number-One Songs Are Getting Shorter.