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22.12.03.토 Power English (영어회화 레벨 3) How to Cope with Inflation Stress 인플레이션 스트레스에 대처하는 방법

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 3.

[Article] How to Cope with Inflation Stress 스트레스에 대처하는 방법
A recent poll showed that 87% of people consider high economic inflation a source of great stress. This anxiety can cause wear and tear on the body and mind. When one suddenly sees their standard of living go down, they experience anxiety and fear. Mental health experts suggest one commonly calmly analyze the fear and step back from a source of it and do something completely unrelated, like going for a run, watching a movie, or walking a dog. These small moments of relief can have a positive effect on your overall health.
최근 여론조사에 따르면, 87%의 사람들이 높은 인플레이션을 큰 스트레스의 원인이라고 생각한다. 이러한 불안은 몸과 마음을 상하게 할 수 있다. 누군가 갑자기 삶의 수준이 내려간 것을 보면 불안과 공포을 겪는다. 정신건강 전문가들은 그 불안을 차분하게 분석하고 그 원인으로부터 뒤로 물러서서, 달리기, 영화보기, 애완견 산책시키기처럼 완전히 관련 없는 것을 해보라고 제안하다. 이런 사소한 기분전환의 기회가 건강 전반에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다.

** cope with = to live with
카메론쌤: Often there’s a problem, and you’re not solving the problem. You’re just finding a way to survive.



[Power Note]
1) wear and tear 일상적인 사용에 의한 마모, 손상, 해짐

카메론쌤: This is natural damage that occurs on something because you’re using it. So It’s natural and normal. Tt’s not a specifically bad damage.
크리스틴쌤: This is clearly damage or loss because you’ve used it a number of times. Like, it happens over time.
카메론쌤: Someone’s car can have wear and tear. But let’s say, like, a rock fell on your car and damaged your car. That’s not wear and tear because it doesn’t come from normal usage of the car.
크리스틴쌤: So if you’re using something, it’s gonna take time to use. So you need the time and usage.

A: These dirt roads are really bumpy.
A) 이 흙길은 너무 울퉁불퉁해
B: Yeah, and the wear and tear on my car is pretty bad.
B) 그래서 내차의 손상이 너무 심해.

The shoes should last two years with normal wear and tear.
이 신발은 일상적인 마모로 2년동안 신을 겁니다.


Athletes and miners have a lot of wear and tear on their body.
운동선수나 광부들은 육체적으로 손상이 많다.

2) standard of living 삶의 수준 level of quality of life. How well you’re living.
크리스틴쌤: It’s a level of material comfort, meaning it shows how comfortable you’re finally.

(예문 1)
A: What’s the best thing about Eastern Europe for you? 동유럽에서 가장 좋은 점이 뭔가요?
B: I enjoy a higher stand of living on my small salary. 작은 월급으로 더 높은 삶의 수준을 누려요.

카메론쌤: That’s true. You know people make a lot of money in some of these richer countries.
크리스틴쌤: That’s right.
카메론쌤: But they’re also paying a lot for housing or food, which means that their stand of living may not be that high because costs are just as high as their salaries are.
크리스틴쌤: Here something that I realize that when I lived in the country side, 하동. You know the stand ard of living was pretty good because less expenses and things are generally a little bit more affordable as far as the plenty of food around. So, people who live in the city, sometimes their stand ard of living is not great even though they make a lot of money.
카메론쌤: I mean, in certain aspect, I think the stand ard of living in Korea is better than it would be in the United States because some things are just so much expensive in the US.

(예문 2)
The standard of living of the village increased when tourists began visiting.
관광객들이 방문하기 시작할 때 그 마을의 생활 수준을 올라갔다.

크리스틴쌤: Here, the village is kind of a poor village. But then all of a sudden all these tourists started to come in. So people are making more money. Of course their standard of living increased.
카메론: Standard of living is not just the money but it’s what you’re able to buy with the money.
크리스틴쌤: But I must say that, you know, in Korea the standard of living is quite tough some times in recent years. The real estate, the apartment prices, or rent is really quite high.
카메론쌤: In Korea, yes. But I mean, in many ways, global phenomenon in any other big cities in US, a lot of them in Europe. Normal people can’t live in cities anymore.
크리스틴쌤: That’s right. Let me just tell you something. I can never go back to LA because LA is just so high that a lot of people from LA are moving to different states because standard of living is so much better.

3) to step back from something 에서 물러서다 = to look at it objectively = pull yourself out of a situation, try to mentally get yourself out of it. The situation that’s called stepping back from the situation.
카메론쌤: You’re removing yourself often there’s a responsibility that you’ve had and you’re moving back away from it. And you’re not going to be doing that responsibility as much. (예문 1)
A: I’m going to step back from teaching for a while.
A) 나, 당분간 강의에서 물러날거야.
B: So, are you finally gonna write that book you’ve been talking about?
B) 그럼 계속 말했던 그 책을 드디어 쓰는 거야?

** I’m gonna stop teaching. => 강의를 그만둠
** I’m gonna step back from teaching => not completely get rid of teaching

(예문 2)
Mr. Barner stepped back from his job as chairman to focus on charity work.
Barner 씨는 자선사업에 집중하기 위해서 회장직에서 물러났다.

[Power Patten]
have a positive effect on 긍정적인 영향을 미치다 benefit; give a good thing

This cream will have a positive effect on your rash.
이 크림은 뽀루지에 잘 들을 겁니다.

Physical therapy can have a positive effect on your shoulder injury.
물리치료는 당신의 손상된 어깨에 도움이 될 것입니다.

[Power Voca]
anxiety 불안 = stress that you receive or feel from worry. (Is this gonna go well? Is this okay? Oh am I gonna alright?)

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 영어레벨 3 파워 잉글리시 How to Cope with Inflation Stress. 인플레이션 스트레스에 대처하는 방법

