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21.09.25.토 Power English 영어회화 레벨 3 [Full Script] Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions. 회사는 지금 이 3가지 질문을 던지고 있다.

by Namaskara 2022. 9. 25.

EBS 파워 잉글리시 Power English 영어회화 레벨 3, 중급 영어회화


Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions.
기업들은 지금 이 세가지 질문을 하고 있다.

How do you complete a project with minmal supervision?
최소한의 관리를 받으며 어떻게 프로젝트를 완수합니까?
How can you rise to the challenge?
어려운 상황에 어떻게 대처합니까?
Do you have any concerns about returning to an office?
사무실로 복귀하는데 염려가 있습니까?

[Article] Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions. 회사는 지금 이 3가지 질문을 던지고 있다.
In the post pandemic era, companies have been on a hiring binge. With this comes new interview questions to reflect the new world we live in. For instance, “How do you complete a project with minimal supervision?” is a question about working from home and how one can rise to the challenge. Another new question “Do you have any concerns about returning to an office?” gets to the heart of the matter regarding a person’s a comfort level. If an applicant says he is okay with working in an office and then changes his mind, it puts his job at risk. In this new world, good candidates will always be ready to adapt.
세계적인 대유행 이후 기업들은 채용을 대폭 늘리고 있다. 이와 함께, 우리가 사는 새로운 세상을 반영하는 새로운 인터뷰 질문이 나온다. 예를들어, “최소한의 관리을 받으면서 어떻게 프로젝트를 완수합니까?”는 재택근무와 어떻게 어려운 상황에 잘 대처하는가에 대한 질문이다. 또 다른 질문으로 “사무실로 복귀하는데 염려가 있습니까?”는 한 사람이 느끼는 편안함의 수준에 대한 문제의 핵심을 찌른다. 만약에 지원자가 사무실에서 일하는 것이 괜찮다고 했다가 마음을 바꾸면, 그의 직장은 위태로워질 것이다. 이 새로운 세상에서 유능한 지원자는 항상 적응할 준비가 되어있기 마련이다.

[Power Note]
rise to the challenge 어려운 문제/상황에 잘 대처하다
크리스틴: I heard you rose to the challenge when the boss asked who wanted to lead the project. 상사가 누가 그 프로젝트를 이끌어가길 원하는가라고 물었을 때, 너가 잘 대처했다고 들었어
카메론: If I don’t raise my hand more, I’m never going to get promoted. 내가 자진해서 손들지 않는다면, 나는 승진 못할거야.
The team rose to the challenge and won the championship
그 팀은 어려운 상황에 잘 대처해서 챔피언십에서 우승했다.
You’ve got to rise to the challenge and take care of a new baby.
너는 어려운 상황에 잘 대처하고 아기도 잘 돌보네

the heart of the matter 핵심
The heart of the matter is who is bringing in sales right now?
핵심은 누가 지금 매출을 올리고 있는가 이다.
The heart of the matter was how the government could fund special programs.
핵심은 정부가 어떻게 그 특별 프로그램에 자금을 조달할 수 있는가 였다.

put something/someone at risk 위험에 놓다.
크리스틴: Can I break off a piece of coral while I am scuba diving?
스쿠버 다이빙할 때, 산호초 좀 꺾어도 돼?
카메론: No. If everyone did that, the whole reef would be put at risk
안돼. 모두가 그렇게 한다면, 산호초가 위험에 놓이겠지.
Bob is put at risk of diabetes because of his terrible eating habits.
Bob은 나쁜 식습관 때문에 당뇨병에 걸릴 위험에 처했어.

[Power Pattern]
With this come(s) 이것과 함께 ~~이 따른다.
With this comes a serious responsibility.
이것에는 막중한 책임감이 따른다.
With this comes a two-year warranty on the software.
이 소프트웨어에는 2년 보증이 따른다.

[Power Voca]
Binge; 폭식하다;입터지다
eat a lot of food
movie binge, binge watching


[Full Script]
크리스틴 : Hello Everyone. I’m Kristen Cho.
카메론: I’m Carmeon Word.
크리스틴: All right. We are on page 133. We’ve got an article for you today. And the title is “Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions”
카메론: Oh no. It’s a company interview.
크리스틴: It’s an interview. When was the last time you had a job interview, Cameron?
카메론: Oh, gosh. I guess I do have interviews for other shows that I’m on from time to time. For a job interview, it’s maybe 4 or 5 years.
크리스틴: I don’t even remember the last time I interviewed. Okay, I do remember. Actually when I went to the States, I came back, and had my baby, and I was looking for a unversity job cause I used to teach at Ewha. And so I was actually, they,national univeristy, asked me to come in to do, like you know, for the third round of interviews. So, they asked me to this pivotal question. They asked me a very important question. You know what it was?
카메론: What it was?
크리스틴: They said “Would you quit EBS to work here?” Guess what I said?
카메론: NO.
크리스틴: Yes.
카메론: What a question!
크리스틴: They did. They were not gonna allow their teachers to work at a broadcasting station, and work there full time. So, I had a very good chance of teaching there full time. They really liked me, and they said, “Oh, are you sure?” you know.
카메론: Oh I’m sure all of our listeners very much apprectiate. You made the correct decision.
크리스틴: All right. Sometimes in these interviews, they’ve got these interesting questions, now. So we’re gonna take a look at them. Let’s look at some expressions we’re going to cover. Now, if you rise, r i s e, to the challenge.
카메론: Challenge here means something that is difficult. Something that might be hard to do. So, if you rise to the challenge means that you face that you a kind of actively try and solve this diffult issue.
크리스틴: taking on that challenge.
크리스틴: Now the heart of the matter, which is actually one of my favorite songs by Done Henry. He has a song, the heart of the matter
카메론: I’ve known neither the song nor the singer.
크리스틴: Don Henry from Eagles.
카메론: Oh okay.
크리스틴: All right. What does this mean?
카메론: The heart of the matter is the most important thing or the core thing. If you think about our body, heart’s kind of important.
크리스틴: It’s a center.
카메론: You know, your nose. You can leave that out of nose.
크리스틴: Are you sure?
카메론: But, your heart, you need your heart.
크리스틴: You need it to be.
크리스틴: All right. now put something someone at risk.
카메론: This means that with your actions you’ve made it dangerous for something or someone.
크리스틴: Let’s go ahead and listen to 3 questions that companies are now asking.

1. In the post pandemic era, companies have been on a hiring binge.
2. With this comes new interview questions to reflect the new world we live in.
3. For instance, how do you complete a project with minimal supervision?
4. It’s a question about working from home and how one can rise to the challenge.
5. Another new question ”Do you have any concerns about returning to an office?” gets to the heart of the matter regarding a person’s a comfort level.
6. If an applicant says he is okay with working in an office, and then changes his mind, it puts his job at risk.
7. In this new world, good candidates would always be ready to adapt.

1) In the post pandemic era, companies have been on a hiring binge.
크리스틴: This is an interesting word because we’ve heard about like you know ‘movie binge,’ ‘binge watching.’ We heard about ‘binge eating.’
카메론: Yes
크리스틴: What is the word binge?
카메론: binge b i n g e is originally meant to eat a lot of food. 폭식, 입이 터지다 You just can not control yourself. you were eating so much.
Now we use it for many other things, watching you said. For in this case, hiring. So this company’s just trying to hire as many people as possible.
크리스틴: So, in American right now, on the news it’s saying they can not find emplyoees to work. There is like, it’s like the unemployment is very high but at the same time, companies or like factories or wherever they can’t get employees.
카메론: Right. Employees don’t want to work because they feel either too dangerous or they’re getting stimulus checks. They’re getting 지원금. So they don’t want to go back to work as long as they get that money.
크리스틴: Okay, hiring binge means when they’re, like, hiring a lot.
카메론: Yes

2) With this comes new interview questions to reflect the new world we live in.
크리스틴: Here is a very interesting pattern. With this come or comes.
카메론: It’s come or comes depending on if the noun following is plural or singular. But with this come is a phrase used to mean with one situation, another situation comes with it. These two things happen together.
크리스틴: So, there is the hiring binge. That’s what happened. Because of that, something else will happen.
카메론: Yes. The hiring binge from the post pandemic era that we are in. This is causing new questions to be asked.
크리스틴: All right. So what are those questions, Cameron?

3) For instance, how do you complete a project with minimal supervision? is a question about working from home and how one can rise to the challenge.
크리스틴: All right. So, how can you do your job with minimal supervision?, which means you are not at the office. You don’t have a supervisor, right next to one should say “Hey, did you get that done?”, “Did you do this?”. So, minimal supervision meaning?
카메론: You don’t have someone looking over you. Your boss, your manager, he isn’t checking with you every single day, every single hour. You kind of just have to do things on your own.
크리스틴: On your own. That’s right.

4) It’s a question about working from home and how one can rise to the challenge.
크리스틴: So, this is a question from working from home and how one can rise to the challenge? So the question is that. So, what can you do about it?
카메론: Umm. “rise to the challenge” we talked about in the intro is to actively try and solve a difficult problem or the challenge here being working by yourself. Can you do this well?
크리스틴: Okay, so. That’s the rise to the challenge. That is a new challenge working from home and you’ve got no supervision. Okay, that’s a challenge. Can we do it? Another quesiton. New question.

[오디오 어학당 07:44]
5)Another new question “Do you have any concerns about returning to an office?” gets to the heart of the matter regarding a person’s a comfort level.
크리스틴: Do you have any concerns about returning to an office? gets to the heart of the matter regarding a person’s comfort level.
크리스틴: So, let’s break it up. So the question is “do you have any concerns about returning to an office?” They want to ask, they want to know how you feel.
카메론: This phrasing “Do you have any concerns about?” is a great way to ask someone if they’re worried about anything.
크리스틴: That’s good
카메론: If there’s something on their mind.
크리스틴:Right. So, this question gets to the heart of the matter regarding a person’s comfort level.
카메론: Matter here means a situation, ususally some kind of problem that’s a reason. So “the heart of the matter” is the source of the problem or the very important part of a situation. So, “the heart of the matter” here is the person’s comfort level with being back in the office.
크리스틴: So it’s basically saying “Are you comfortable with coming back to the office?”
카메론: Are you comfortable sharing air with other people in the office?
카메론: You know. It’s sad that is something that many people are concerned about if you’re working in an office.
크리스틴: This comfort level is really talking about the other person who “are you comfortable with this new situation?”

[오디오 어학당 09:08]
6) If an applicant says he is okay with working in an office, and then changes his mind, it puts his job at risk.
크리스틴: If an applicant says he is okay with working in an office and then changes his mind, it puts his job at risk. What is it saying?
카메론: So, maybe you were in an interview. You want to sound good, right? So you agreed with someting. But if you change your mind, it means once you start working, oh I don’t like this. I don’t like working in an office with people. That would put his job at risk. To put something at risk means to put into danger. So in this case, if he’s putting his job at risk, he might get fired.
크리스틴: Yes. That’s the dangerous part.
카메론: His job is now in danger. In a sense, he may not keep it.
크리스틴: That’s right. So if your safety is at risk, if your job is at risk, if your career is at risk means danger, not good.
카메론: Yeah, something might happen.

[오디오 어학당 10:03]
7) In this new world, good candidates will always be ready to adapt.
크리스틴: In this new world, good candidates are always ready to adapt.
크리스틴: So, we have changing times even with our jobs.
카메론: I’d be glad I’ll do that.
크리스틴: you’ve got to
카메론: change to the situation.
크리스틴: survival of the fittest. Let’s listen to that article one more time.

[Power Note] 오디오 어학당 11:05
크리스틴: it’s time for power note. If you rise to the challenge. it means to find strength and determination to do something difficult. And the idea of the word “rise,” it’s kind of like you’re sitting down and you, like, get up and you have this presence like “I can do it.”
카메론: It’s kind of like you are at war, in a battle. There is an enemy that’s like really big and strong. You’re like on the ground you stand up, you stand and you pick up your soil. You run toward him to fight it.
크리스틴: I heard you rose to the challenge with the boss asked who wanted to lead the project.
카메론: Yeap. If I don’t raise my hand more, I’m never going to get promoted.
크리스틴: Yes. So it’s like “Who wants to take over this project?”
카메론: Me. I will do it because I want a promotion.
크리스틴: And remember it’s challenge. It’s not just being like you know “I want to do it”, but it’s really about like showing bravely.
카메론: Yes. You are very proactive.
크리스틴: The team rose to the challenge and won the championship game. A championship game is easy? No way. Not. But you rise to the challenge. What are some other things we could rise to the challenge?
카메론: You can rise to the challenge, if you have children. Maybe you weren’t very mature and you not very responsible. Then you have a child. You’ve got to rise to the challenge and take care of a new baby.
크리스틴: Absolutely.
카메론: No more play in around.
크리스틴: No more play in around. That’s right. So maybe the president wants someone to give the presentation in English. Who wants to do this English presentation? Nobody?
카메론: I’ll do it.
크리스틴: You rise to the challenge. So it has that feeling of courage and you know really wanted to say I’m gonna try.
카메론: I’m gonna do it.

[라디오 어학당 13:13]
크리스틴: The heart of matter is the most important part.
카메론: Simply some issue and it’s just in the center of the entire issue.
크리스틴: It’s like a Korean “핵심”
카메론: Literally.
크리스틴: It’s like a nuclear part.
카메론: It’s the 심 of 핵심.
크리스틴: “Who are we going to let go?” meaning “who are we going to fire?” We can’t survive another quarter with such low sales.
카메론: The heart of the matter is “who is bringing in sales right now?”
크리스틴: So. They’re gonna figure out “who are do we have to fire?” And the person says “Well, the most important thing is?
카메론: Yeah, the sales. Who is bringing in sales? Someone if a worker isn’t selling staff, selling a product. Good-bye. Pack a few thing. You leave in a company.
크리스틴: The most important thing is like who is have the ightest sales? They get to stay and the others don’t. The heart of the matter was how the government could fund special programs.
카메론: Special programs here are the welfare programs or the other amounts used to support things. They aren’t necessary like a academy or military. But things like art centers, you know, a sports complex. So, the heart of the matter is “where’s the government gonna get the money?”
크리스틴: Yes. That’s right. When you have a problem, and you try to figure out the root cause of the problem or why is this problem happening? So, you kind of have to look at the heart of the matters.
카메론: It’s the thing either matters the most or it’s what is causing the problem.
크리스틴: You can say this even in relationships. Maybe you’re having problems in the relationship. When you say, the important thing, the biggest problem, the heart of the matter. We don’t love each other anymore.
카메론: Oh no~~~.

크리스틴: Put something, someone at risk means put someone in danger or something in danger.
카메론: It doesn’t have to be a person. It can be an idea.
크리스틴: Can I break off a piece of coral while I am scuba diving?
카메론: No. If everyone did do that, the whole reef would be put at risk
크리스틴: You know people do that.
카메론: They do it all the time.
크리스틴: You know I’ve heard about people going to these very natural reserves, coral reef, or jungle. And then they take a stone.
카메론: You know you go to Jeju. You are not allowed to take rocks. I would be told that.
크리스틴: The reason why they would say that because people do.
카메론: I means cause there are beautiful rocks. I wanted to take one. And my clubber says “No.” You would go to jail.
카메론: Put something at risk means to put in danger. For these coral reefs If you break them off, the entire thing might die.
크리스틴: Of course. Bob is at risk of diabetes because of his terrible eating habits. You’re putting your health at risk.
카메론: This “at risk” means that you aren’t in danger now but the possibility of danger is very high.
크리스틴: You can do like “Our company is at risk.” We can’t put. You can use the put, the verb “put.” My health is at risk.
.These are some ways we can use.
카메론: Actively you can say to “put” at risk. But if it’s just describing a situation you would say is to “be at risk.”

크리스틴: Our power pattern today is “with these come” or “with this comes”
카메론: With one situation, with situation A, situation B happens as well.
크리스틴: With this comes a serious responsibility.
카메론: With this comes a 2-year warranty on the software. When you buy this product, you would also get a warranty.

크리스틴: Our power vocabulary today is binge. Do check out the explanation on page 138. And let’s thank our sponsor.
카메론: 한국 토익위원회에서 취업과 승진을 위한 토익 스피킹 응시권을 드립니다.
크리스틴: And please don’t forget about the 오디오 어학당. Have a wonderful day and we’ll see you soon.
카메론: Bye

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 영어회화 레벨 3 Power English  회사는 지금 이 3가지 질문을 던지고 있다. Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions 

