
크리스틴쌤: Thank you so much for joing us. I’m Christian Cho.
카메론 쌤: I’m Cameron Word
크리스틴쌤: You can also call me 조명희.
카메론 쌤: You can call me 이상준.
크리스틴쌤: 맹희….선희….These are my other names.
카메론 쌤: 명희 is like your legal name.
크리스틴쌤: Yeah. It is my legal name and 선희 is the name that most my relatives and my cousins use
카메론 쌤: A woman with many names?
크리스틴쌤: A woman with many identities.
카메론 쌤: Oh goodness.
크리스틴쌤: I just wanna say that I’m really excited about the fact that every month I do a little book-give-away. And I’m always surprised to see that there are new listeners on my instagram that want a book. And it’s like I run out of books. I don’t have enough. And I give out quite a bit. So it’s really exciting to find that news listeners are constantly coming in and studying with us. Thank you and Welcome.
카메론 쌤: Thank you. You know? It’s kind of like, you know, name brand hand bags. You have to get on a waiting list to receive the really expensive one. It’s like an exclusive club. It’s like what the Power English book has become.
크리스틴쌤: Do you think it’s exclusive?
카메론 쌤: I mean if people are waiting to get the books cause so many people want.
크리스틴쌤: Sometimes I have to put them on a waiting list for next month. Okay, I feel very special.
카메론 쌤: You do, yeah. But you always have the option of going to your local bookstores and finding it there, as well.
크리스틴쌤: Yes. If you wanna a free book, join me, follow me on instagram. It’s @Christian Cho.
** ARTICLE: Having More Friends Means Having a Healthier Gut 친구가 더 많다는 것은 장이 더 건강하다는 것을 의미한다.
Having a group of close friends has been linked to not only happiness but healthier gut bacteria. These bacteria are important for
digestion as well as a strong immune system. The study was conducted with a group of monkeys, measuring gut bacteria from fresh stool samples . The scientists counted the number of grooming partners of each monkey whose stool they collected and concluded that having more friends leads to having more good gut bacteria. Although this study was conducted on monkeys, they are closely related to humans, allowing for direct correlation between the two species.
** stool 대변 = poop
가까운 친구들 그룹이 있다는 것은 행복뿐만 아니라 더 건강한 장 박테리아와도 연결되어있다. 이 박테리아는 소화와 튼튼한 면역체계에 중요하다. 이 연구는 한 무리의 원숭이가 갓 배설한 대변 표본에서 장 박테리아를 측정하여 수행되었다. 과학자들은 각 원숭이들의 대변을 수집하고 그들의 그루밍 파트너 숫자를 세고, 더 많은 친구를 가지면 더 건강한 장 박테리아로 이어진다고 결론내렸다. 비록 이 연구는 원숭이를 대상으로 진행되었지만, 두 종간의 직접적인 연관성을 감안하면 원숭이들은 인간과 밀접히 관련되었다.
[Power Note]
** linked to [someone] = connection/relationship with someone
Ironically some sunscreens have been linked to skin cancer.
아이러니하게도, 일부 선스크린은 피부암과 관련성이 있다.
Breastfeeding has linked to a strong immune system in babies.
모유수유는 아기의 튼튼한 면역체계와 연관되었다.
Smoking has been linked lung cancer.
흡연은 폐암과 연관되었다.
Classical music has been linked to a better baby’s mental development.
** lead to [something] = A causes B
I heard that excessive gambling can lead to depression.
과도한 도박은 우울증으로 이어질 수 있다고 들었다.
카메론 쌤: Maybe it’s something to do with loosing a lot of money. I mean if I loose money, I’m gonna be depressed.
크리스틴쌤: It’s interesting because you don’t think of excessive gambling and depressing per se.
Working 100 hours a week for a year lead to ### his nerves breakdown.
주 100시간씩 일년 동안 일하고 그의 신경체계가 망가졌어.
Listening to Power English every day can lead to more happiness.
파워 잉글리시를 매일마다 들으면 더 행복해질 수 있어요~^^
** allow for [something] 감안하다 give consideration to [something] = A situation makes something else possible
A: We didn’t allow for the extra traffic today. 오늘 교토 체증을 감안하지 않았어.
B: Don’t worry. I think we clear up after the Benson & Ville exit. 걱정하지마.
The architect allowed for the occasional hurricane when designing shape of the roof.
건축가는 지붕 모양을 설계할 때, 계절성 허리케인을 감안했다.
[Power Pattern]
not only [obvious resutls] but [the unexpected dresults]
Drinking water is not only good for your health but it’ll help you loose weight.
물을 마시면 건강에 좋을 뿐만 아니라, 몸무게 감량에도 도움이 된다.
Too much sitting is not only bad for your back, but it lead to obesity.
너무 많이 앉아 있으면 허리에도 안 좋을뿐만 아니라, 비만으로 이어질 수도 있다.
[Power Vocabulary]
** Immune System 면역체계
출처 EBS 반디 5dang.ebs.co.kr 파워 잉글리시 Power English 영어회화 레벨 3, Having More Friends Means Having a Healthier Gut 친구가 더 많다는 것은 장이 더 건강하다는 것을 의미한다.