비즈니스 회화2 21.10.26.화 Giving Birth 출산 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Describe Your Experience of Giving Birth. 출산 경험에 대해서 이야기해주세요. As the mother of three kids, I get chatty when the conversation turns to giving birth. 나는 세 아이의 엄마로서 대화가 출산으로 바뀌면 말이 좀 많아진다. My first child was in a breech position until the end of the pregnancy, so I had to get a C-section. 첫째 아이는 임신 마지막까지 역아로 위치해 있어서 제왕절개를 해야 했다. I was determined to have my second child by natural childb.. 2021. 10. 26. 21.08.02.월 Homemade Coffee 집에서 만드는 커피 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Brewing Coffee at Home More and more people are brewing coffee and tea by themselves at home. The best part of a home cafe is that you can drink coffee and tea as you like, regardless of time and place. Pour-over coffee is known for its great taste in aroma, and you can choose from various beans depending on your taste. For the best pour-over coffee, you have to start with .. 2021. 8. 2. 이전 1 다음 반응형