how to avoid procrastinating1 [2021.09.17.Fri] 귀트영 The Benefits of Study Groups 스터디 그룹의 장점/입트영 Bonus advantage of "입트영"이 준 멋진 덤 EBS 오디오 어학당 영어가 쉽게 들리는 실전 리스닝 귀가 트이는 영어 The beneifts of Study Groups 스터디 그룹의 장점 [Introduction] 이현석: I guess a lot of people would agree that having study groups may be helpful when you’re trying to learn something. 안젤라: Yes. This is for a nubmer of reasosn. Number 1, it’s a lot more fun. Number 2, people keep you accountable. So, let’s say “I don’t feel like studying.” If you wer.. 2021. 9. 17. 이전 1 다음 반응형