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22.06.01.수 Easy Writing 영화: A Star Is Born: Bradley Cooper가 감독한 영화 A movie by actor Bradley Cooper both [A] and [B] = [A]와 [B] 모두에게 저희의 비타민 보충제는 남자 여자 모두에게 좋아요. Our vitamin supplements are good for both men and women. 랩퍼 에미넴은 미국과 한국 둘 다에서 인기가 많아. Rapper Eminem is popular in both America and Korea. 저희 엄마와 아빠 모두 영어를 하세요. Both my mom and dad speak English. ============================= diva 유명 여가수 whopping 엄청난; 엄청 큰 furthermore 게다가 더 나아가 audience 관객 critic 비평가 copy 복사본 (명사) nominated 후보에 오른 seve.. 2022. 6. 1.
22.05.31.화 Why We should Study Economics and Finance 우리가 경제학과 금융을 공부해야 하는 이유 Why We should Study Economics and Finance 우리가 경제학과 금융을 공부해야 하는 이유 Economics is one of the most popular fields of study at universities around the world. It explores how people, businesses, and governments make choices about how to allocate resources. It’s concerned with production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. So with that in mind, let’s look at some reasons why people pu.. 2022. 5. 31.
22.05.31.화 Easy Writing 전기: 마돈나의 인생과 커리어 (3) Biography: The Life and Career of look up to [목적어]를 우러러 보다. 많은 아이들이 당신을 우러러 보고 있어요. Many children are looking up to you. 우리 모두는 우러러 볼 누군가를 필요로 한다. We all need someone who looks up to. We all need someone to looks up to. 세리나는 많은 작가들이 우러러 보는 롤 모델이다. Serina is a role model that many writers look up to. 세린쌤: I just write from the heart. I don’t think I’m a good writers but I write with honesty. 20.07.06.월 I look up to you. 당신을 존경해요... 2022. 5. 31.
21.05.31.월 Easy Writing 공지: 일정 변동 공지 apologize for the sudden change of plans. in one's absence 누군가의 부재 중에 제 부재 중에 책임 있었던 사람이 누구죠? Who was in charge in my absence? 그녀의 부재중에 뭔가 나쁜 일이 그들에게 벌어졌다. In her absence, something bad happened to them. 저의 부재중에 당신은 저의 비서에게 메세지를 남겨도 됩니다. In my absence, you can leave a message to my secretary. In my absence, you can leave a message with my secretary. ========================== inform 알려주다, travel agency 여행사 itinerary 일정표, following 그 다음의.. 2022. 5. 31.
22.05.30.월 Why Learning English Can Improve Your Life 귀가 트이는 영어 Why Learning English Can Improve Your Life 영어를 배우는 것이 삶을 향상시켜 줄 수 있는 이유 There are many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea. Obviously, enlarge it allows you to communicate with new people. What’s more, learning another language even has health benefits. Studies have shown that people who speak multiple languages have more active minds later in life. But of all the languages in the.. 2022. 5. 30.
22.05.30.월 Easy Writing 전기: 마돈나의 인생과 커리아 (2) Biography: The Life and Career of Madonna act in [명사]에 출연하다 star in 주인공으로 출연하다 마유는 크리스토퍼 놀란에 의한 몇개의 영화에서 연기했다. Mayu acted in a few movies by Christopher Nolan. Mayu acted in a couple of films by Christopher Nolan 세리나는 캐나다 드라마 ‘The Hwangs’에서 연기했다. Serina acted in the Canadian Drams ‘The Hwangs’. 마유와 세리나는 Easy Writers에 카메오로 출연했다. Mayu and Serina acted in Easy Writers as a Cameo. Mayu and Serina made Cameo appearance in the Easy Writers. =.. 2022. 5. 30.
22.05.27.금 How Hard Is Learning Korean for English Speakers? 귀트영 How Hard Is Learning Korean for English Speakers? 영어가 모국어인 사람이 한국어를 배우는 것이 얼마나 어려운가? How hard is learning Korean especially for English Speakers? In a nutshell, Korean is not too difficult. However, I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s easy, either. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d say the difficulty of Korean is 7. It’s harder than French or German but easier than Chinese or Abrabic. If you’re plannin.. 2022. 5. 27.
22.05.26.목 The Negative Impact of Nagging Kids 아이들에게 잔소리하는 것의 부정적 영향 _ 귀트영 Everyone would agree that parenting is an extremely challenging job. As people parents, they sometimes develop bad habits. One of these is nagging. In an effort to protect their children, parents sometimes pester, badger, and scold them. But the truth is, nagging simply doesn’t work. In fact, it can actually have the opposite effect. Many specialists warn that nagging weakens the bond between ch.. 2022. 5. 26.