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EBS 귀가 트이는 영어136

22.07.01.금 Benefits of Joining Student Council 학생회 참여의 장점, 귀가 트이는 영어 Benefits of Joining Student Council 학생회 참여의 장점 Making a college application stand out is something that has become more and more important over the years. But how exactly can applicants stand head and shoulders above everyone else? Joining student council in high school is one good way. However, there’s more to it than that. Being an on student council provides leadership skills and promotes tea.. 2022. 7. 1.
22.06.30.목 How to Be a Great Matchmaker 소개팅 주선을 잘하는 방법, show your hand, sift (through), bow out 월터의 귀트영 플러스(+) [월터의 귀트영 플러스] (1) show your hand 자신의 계획을 드러내 보이다. You let people know what you’re going to do or what you’re thinking or what you’re planning hold your cards close to your chest 유래: The expression likely comes from card games like poker because the cards that the players hold in their hands while they play card games. Those cards are called hand. So ‘show your hand’ in a card game literally mean.. 2022. 6. 30.
22.06.24.금 Ways LASIK Eye Surgery Will Change Your Life 삶을 변화시키는 라식 수술 귀트영 Ways LASIK Eye Surgery Will Change Your Life 삶을 변화시키는 라식 수술 Have you ever woken up shocked to realize you could see the alarm clock clearly? But then you felt disappointed when you remembered you fell asleep with your contacts in. Imagine waking up after LASIK surgery. You could start every day without your vision getting in the way. If you rely on glasses, contact, or both to see clearly, you k.. 2022. 6. 24.
22.06.23.목 Ways to Break Out of a Career Slump 커리어 슬럼프에서 벗어나는 방법 귀트영 Ways to Break Out of a Career Slump 커리어 슬럼프에서 벗어나는 방법 Every has had the odd on unproductive day here and there. When they persist for weeks even months, that’s a slump. A lingering work rut can be detrimental to one’s happiness, wellbeing and career. People in a slump don’t produce their best work and may become disengaged from tasks that used to excite them. If you’re in a slump, you might be w.. 2022. 6. 23.
22.06.22.수 Benefits of Doing Jigsaw Puzzles 조각 그림 맞추기를 하는 것의 장점 귀가 트이는 영어 Benefits of Doing Jigsaw Puzzles 조각 그림 맞추기를 하는 것의 장점 Jigsaw puzzles are seeing a resurgence of in popularity today. Many people use them as a way to escape the information overload of modern society. Wrestling oneself away from screens and devices can be really a nearly impossible task. However, doing so is vital to one’s mental and physical health. Jigsaw puzzles stimulate both sides of brain a.. 2022. 6. 22.
22.06.21.화 Benefit of Playing the Piano 피아노를 치는 것의 장점, 귀가 트이는 영어 Benefit of Playing the Piano 피아노를 치는 것의 장점 These days, many adults are taking up the piano. They’ve realized that piano lessons are not only for children. As the old saying goes, you’re never too old to learn. Children often learn to play the piano because their parents make them. Adults, however, learn because they want. This intrinsic motivation makes all the difference. Learning how to play t.. 2022. 6. 21.
22.06.20.월 How to Choose What to Watch 무엇을 시청할지 고르는 방법 How to Choose What to Watch 무엇을 시청할지 고르는 방법 Deciding what content to watch is no longer a walk in the park. With the overwhelming amount of content available today, it can be a challenge to decide what to watch. It seems like new programs are being released every day on streaming services. Here some tips to help. First, read the reviews. If you’re unsure about what to watch, take a look at revie.. 2022. 6. 20.
22.06.17.금 What Is Atopic Dermatitis? 아토피 피부염이란 무엇인가? 귀가 트이는 영어 현석쌤: Do you have any trouble with your skin in particular? 안젤쌤: Oh my gosh, I come from a family of really bad skin. My little brother has really, really, really bad atopic dermatitis. In fact, it’s not even atopic dermatitis. I would go as far as I could say, it was skin disease. And he had that until adulthood. For me, it’s not as severe but I get itchy when I scratch, it started to ###. What .. 2022. 6. 17.