분류 전체보기2460 [2021.02.10. Wed] 귀가 트이는 영어 Signs of True love(3) [Voca] inevitable=unavoidable, for one’s sake [Listening] Do you think true love means with no fights? Some people think that fighting finding true love means never having to fight with your partner about anything. But conflict is actually an inevitable part of any relationship. No two people will ever agree on everything all the time because no two people will ever have the same exact ideas, be.. 2021. 2. 10. [2021.02.10. Wed]입이 트이는 영어 The Reason I'm hooked on [Brainstorming] hooked on sth: addicted to sth English as a second language tune in to daily basis improve [Speaking] Talk about why you continue to study with 입트영 I am a working mom with one daughter. I press first decided to learn English because I wanted to go on vacation to Guam with my family. My husband and grey grade-school daughter can't speak a word of English. Saddly, however, Covid 19.. 2021. 2. 10. [2021.02.09. Tue]CNN 10 - An Impeachment Trial Begins, New Variants of Coronavirus May Challenge Vaccines It's time for you daily, down in the middle explanation of world news. This is CNN 10. I am Carl Azuz. Thank you for watching. ================================== Second Trump Impeachment Trial Begins In the United States Senate, an impeachment trial is set to begin on Tuesday for former U.S. President Donald Trump. Last month, the House of Representatives voted to charge President Trump with the.. 2021. 2. 9. [2021.02.09. Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Relative Deprivation [BrainStorming] fear out missing out(fomo), relative deprivation [Speaking] In our lives, we feel relative deprivation in many ways. We most often feel that way when we try to build up our wealth. Housing prices have shot up in recent years. People who stretched themselves and took out loans to buy an apartment enjoyed the a large bump in their personal wealth. The stock market hit rock bottom b.. 2021. 2. 9. [2021.02.09. Tue]귀가 트이는 영어 Did you have culture shock? [Voca] besides, come to one's mind(ex. Nothing comes to my mind at the moment) [Speaking] Q: When you first came to Korea, was there it a culture shock to you? A: Yes. I had a lot of culture shock. What comes to my mind first? I'll would say the food. It was really spicy. and Uh sang Seeing a lot of people in the subway, for example. sing and So Seeing drunk people in the street was a bit of a c.. 2021. 2. 9. [2021.02.08. Mon]CNN 10 - China`s Streets And Train Stations Quite Ahead Of The Lunar New Year The A new year is about to dawn in on the Chinese calendar but one thing we traditionally see in the world most popularing populated country is missing and that's what where we start with the week on CNN 10. I am Carl Azuz. Every year we`ve reported on this We`ve talked about how Lunar New Year or Spring Festival causes the world's largest human migration. For this holiday, there are more train .. 2021. 2. 8. [2021.02.08. Mon]입이 트이는 영어 Redoing the Wallpaper [Brainstorming] pick out the color, hire a professional, when people move in a new place [Speaking] Talk about redoing the wallpaper in a home. It has been 10 years since we moved in to our current home. We recently redo redid the wallpaper. During the past 10 years, our three children were born. As they went through childhood, the living room and bed room walls were covered with in scraple scri.. 2021. 2. 8. [2021.02.08. Mon]귀가 트이는 영어 What's the best about living in Korea?(2) [VOCA] necessity, present time, at the moment Q: What do you think is the best thing about living here in Korea? A: I think definitely having the shops open like all day long. It's really convenient for us. Like in France, we don't have that. If you want, like, to buy something in the middle of the night, you can't. That's But it's really convenient. Q: So when do the shops close in France? A: T.. 2021. 2. 8. 이전 1 ··· 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 다음 반응형