Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 on EBS Radio!
Today is Tuesday, the 20th of October.
Don't be in such a hurry to move up level. You needn't hurry up. Concentrate on the level you are at now. Enjoy what you are doing and keep fighting for what you want. Then, someday, you achieve the goals you wanted. Looking forward to it? Me too. Just listen to the show and speak out loud with me.
오늘 갑자기 잠적했을 때, 쓰는 표현은?
** at large: 전체적인;대체적인; 잡히지 않는
** 직역: 그는 잡히지 않는다 => 행방이 묘연하다
A: 어젯밤에 그 시끄러운 언쟁 argy-bargy 들었나?
Did you hear the noisy argument last night?
Did you hear that argy-bargy last night?
B: 그 말다툼 후에 그의 행방이 묘연해
After the argument, he is at large.
After the argument, he is at large.
A: 그래서 어떻게 됐나?
So what was going on?
So how did it go?
B: 그 탈옥수 escape prisoner의 행방이 묘연해서,
The 탈옥수 is at large,
The escape prisoner is at large,
교도관warder들이 완전히 충격받았어gobsmacked
so the conductors are completely shocked
so the warders are completely gobsmacked.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
경찰은 그 용의자의 행방이 묘연하다고 말합니다.The police say the suspect is at large.
Police say the suspect is at large.
행방이 묘연한 그 무장강도는 신원이 밝혀졌고,
The armed robber at large was identified.
The gunman who is at large has been identified,
전과가 있다고 한다.
and has crimnal records.
and has a criminal record.
또 다시 그의 행방이 묘연해서 now that
He is at large again,
Now that he is at large again,
그가 급속히 주목을 받고 come to the fore 있어so he’s getting attention rapidly.
he has rapidly come to the fore
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 너 몇일 전에 그 시끄러운 언쟁 들었니?
Did you hear that argy-bargy the other day?
B: 논쟁wrangle 후에 그의 행방이 묘연해.
After the wrangling, he is at large.
A: 그래서 어젯밤에 어떻게 됐니?
How did it go last night?
B: 탈옥수의 행방이 아직 묘연해서,
The escape prisoner is still at large,
교도관들이 완전히 충격받았어
so the warders are completely gobsmacked.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 He is at large. 그는 행방이 묘연해.
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