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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.02.23.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 TTS (Text to Speech)

by Namaskara 2021. 2. 23.

A few years ago, they sounded quite robotic, but with the advances in technology, these days the voices have become a lot more natural.

[Speaking] Talk about Text to Speech Technology
TTS is short for Text to Speech. It is a technology which automatically reads written text in a synthetic voice.

The use of this technology was just luminated limited to just a few applications at first. But, nowadays, it is all over the place. PA systems in apartment complexes, train and subway annoucements, and automatic automated customer support over the phone all use TTS. The term turn by turn directions from satelite the satnav we often use in our cars also use this technology.

TTS has its pros and cons. On the pros plus side, it allows quick announcements in real time. The down side is that the synthetic voice may come across as unnatural. But as the technology makes headway, the mechanical voices sound more and more natural. TTS will likely be put to use in even more fields, including education.

*IVR: Interactive voice response
*SATNAB : satelite nevigation.

The turn by turn directions from the satnav we often use in our cars also use this technology.
The turn by turn directions are needed to get there.
->That place is hard to find without turn by turn directions.

TTS technology is making headway.
The project is partially making headway.
-> We are finally making some headway on the project.
We won't able to make headway if we keep arguing.
-> We can't make headway unless we stop arguing.

TTS will likely be put to use in even more fields, including education.
I would like to know how my donations are put to use.
-> I want to know how my donation will be put to use.
I am so happy that my ability is practically/usefully put to use.
-> I am glad that my skilled could be put to use.

A: Have you heard about TTS technology?
B: Oh! You mean converting Text to Speech?
A: That's right. It's all over the place these days.
B: The public annouments in at our apartments always use it.
A: Same here.
B: I think it is useful for all recorded messages for telephone customer support.

1. 이제는 자세한 길 안내 없어도 거기까지 갈 수 있다.
Now, we can get there without turn-by-turn directions.

2. 우리는 회의에서 별다른 진전을 이루어 내지 못했다.
We haven't made any headway at the meeting.
-> We were unable to make headway at the meeting.

3. 그 기술은 아직 실제로 활용될 준비가 안 되었다.
The technology isn't ready yet to be put to use.
->The technology isn't ready to be put to use yet.

4. 나는 헐렁한 청바지가 다시 유행할 줄 몰랐다.
I didn't know that the loose jeans would be all over the place again.

5. 나는 누군가와 이야기를 하고 싶었는데, 녹음된 메시지 밖에 없었다.
I wanted to talk with someone, but there were only recorded messages.
->I wanted to talk to someone, but there was only a recorded message.

[An Extra Question]
Think about some interesting ways to use TTS technology



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입이 트이는 영어

