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[2021.02.27.Sat]귀가 트이는 영어 Thailand Protests (2)

by Namaskara 2021. 2. 27.


rally: coming together in some kind of protesting or fighting against something

overhaul: inspection 



Sam### says the fashion show was a part of students' rally organized by as part of nes mass protests that had been going on for the past 4 months.

Protestors are calling for an overhaul of the government and military as well as it's form reform of the monarchy. Sam### says the students and young boy were just exercising their right of free expression.

Spokeswoman Sam### says Thailand continues to ignore repeat of repeated calls from UN watchdog groups, including the UN Human rights committee to bring its criminal law in line with the country's international treaty obligations.


Protestor are calling for an overhaul of the government and military as well as reform of the monarchy.

The company is calling for a halt on all transactions.


Sam### says the students and young boy were just exercising their right of free expression.

The citizens were just exercising their right to vote.


