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CNN 10

[2021.03.08.Mon] CNN 10 - Very different Approaches

by Namaskara 2021. 3. 8.

Delivering your Monday, March 8th edition of CNN 10. I am Carl Azuz. It’s great to see you.

We`ve talked about how there hasn`t been a one size fits all approach when it comes to dealing with coronavirus cases. Different countries have had different levels of restrictions and this is has played out the same way in different American states. Nationwide, the U.S. has seen the a decrease in new daily infections since mid-January. At that time, experts said there were more than 270,000 positive tests recorded each day. The lastest estimated estimate is that roughly 64,000 positive tests were are now recorded daily. But some health officials are concerned that number has flat tone plateaued, meaningly meaning the improvement might have stolen stalled. According to Johns Hopkins University, some states are holding steady in the their numbers of new cases.
Some were are seeing decreases in continue others are seeing new cases increasing.

And what their state’s governments are requiring there varies as well? In Mississippi, for instance, Governor Tate Reeves is allowing businesses to operate to at full capacity this week and he’s eliminating Mississippi`s requirment that people wear masks in public. But in California, where a mask mandate remains, Governor Gavin Newsom is encouraging people to wear 2 face coverings at the same time.

The numbers in Mississippi simply no longer just far justify government over reach overreach. Mississippi can make their own decisions.
Please continue to wear a mask. What some other states are doing is reckless
It’s now time to open taxes Texas 100%
You can`t safely reopen your economy until we get this disease behind us.

Despite that debates divide, several states regardless of whether they`re led by Republicans or Democrats are taking some steps to ease their restriction. Health office officials say variants, new mutations of coronavirus may increasingly threaten the U.S. as they have other countries. The Infectious Diseases of Society of America says people should continue to wear masks, keep their distance from one another, avoid large gatherings and frequently washing their hands.


Very different approach | March 8, 2021

